ARNDeferred 0.2.0

ARNDeferred 0.2.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by airin.

  • By
  • xxxAIRINxxx

I aimed at the implementation of futures and promises and jQuery.Deferred.

but, It is only implemented then currently...

ARNDeferred is Simple.


Features of ARNDeferred is the following

  • Then is called to order.

  • Resolved and rejected only one.

  • If you cancel, then and resolved and rejected also not called.

  • Completion is called only once at the end always.


It was inspired by the following products.


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.

then resolve

ARNDeferred *def = [ARNDeferred deferred];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// call
// resultObject -> @"test"
[task done:@"test2"];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// call
// resultObject -> @"test2"
[task done:@"test3"];
def.resolved (^(id resultObject){
// call
// resultObject -> @"test3"
def.rejected (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.canceller (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.completion (^{
// call
[def runDeferred:@"test"];

then reject

ARNDeferred *def = [ARNDeferred deferred];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// call
// resultObject -> @"test"
[task fail:@"test2"];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// not call
def.resolved (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.rejected (^(id resultObject){
// call
// resultObject -> @"test2"
def.canceller (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.completion (^{
// call
[def runDeferred:@"test"];

then cancel

ARNDeferred *def = [ARNDeferred deferred];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// call
// resultObject -> @"test"
[task cancel:@"test2"];
def.then (^(ARNDeferredTask *task, id resultObject) {
// not call
def.resolved (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.rejected (^(id resultObject){
// not call
def.canceller (^(id resultObject){
// call
// resultObject -> @"test2"
def.completion (^{
// call
[def runDeferred:@"test"];


  • iOS 5.0+
  • ARC



ARNDeferred is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.