ARAccordionTableView 1.0.0

ARAccordionTableView 1.0.0

Maintained by AbdulRehman Warraich.

  • By
  • AbdulRehman Warraich


CI Status Version License Platform



  • iOS 9.0
  • Xcode 11.2
  • Swift 5


ARAccordionTableView is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ARAccordionTableView'

Then, run the following command:

pod install

How To Use?


You can use ARAccordionTableView in simple three easy steps.

  1. Add pod in your PodFile.
  2. Change your UITableView class with ARAccordionTableView
  3. Subclass your UITableViewHeaderFooterView with ARAccordionTableViewHeaderView

Different Configuration:

  1. Open one section at any time, to achive this set following property like below.
tableView.allowMultipleSectionsOpen = false

and if you want to open multiple sections set value to true

tableView.allowMultipleSectionsOpen = true
  1. Set keepOneSectionOpen property to true to keep one section open all the time
tableView.keepOneSectionOpen = true
  1. Open specific sections on start like below.
tableView.initialOpenSections = [1,3]
  1. To check if section is open or close
let isSection = tableView.isSectionOpen(1)
  1. To toggle section use following function
  1. To close all sections


extension ViewController : ARAccordionTableViewDelegate {

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, canInteractWithHeaderAtSection section: Int) -> Bool {
//Return whether user can interact with header View
return true

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, willOpenSection section: Int, withHeader header: UITableViewHeaderFooterView?) {

// called before section is opening

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, didOpenSection section: Int, withHeader header: UITableViewHeaderFooterView?) {
// called after section opened

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, willCloseSection section: Int, withHeader header: UITableViewHeaderFooterView?) {
// called before section closes

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, didCloseSection section: Int, withHeader header: UITableViewHeaderFooterView?) {
// called after section closed

func tableView(_ tableView: ARAccordionTableView, didLogPressedSection section: Int, withHeader header: UITableViewHeaderFooterView?, longPressGestureState state: UIGestureRecognizer.State) {

// called when user long press on a tableView header


AbdulRehman Warraich, [email protected]

ARAccordionTableView is based on FZAccordionTableView.


ARAccordionTableView is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.