AQSEventAggregator 0.1.0

AQSEventAggregator 0.1.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by kaiinui.

  • By
  • kaiinui

An aggregator for AQSEvent


At first, subclass AQSEventAggregator,

@interface AppEventAggregator


// @override
- (NSArray *)whiteListForEvents {
    return @{

- (void)didReceiveEvent:(NSString *)eventName args:(NSDictionary *)eventArgs {
    // Do something when it receives AQSEvent.
    // Typically, send the event to tracking services such as Google Analytics, MixPanel etc.


Then as follows to start aggregation.

[[AQSEventAggregator sharedAggregator] startAggregation];

To handle events more finely, override following methods. (These features are currently not supported.)

// @optional
- (NSArray *)blackListForEvents;
// @optional
- (BOOL)testForEvent:(NSString *)eventName args:(NSDictionary *)eventArgs;