APLEasyTextField 0.0.1

APLEasyTextField 0.0.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Tino Rachui, cg, Mathias Köhnke, Michael Kamphausen, Mathias Koehnke, Nico Schümann, Heiko Wichmann, Stephan Lerner, Famara Kassama.

  • By
  • Christopher Gross and Tino Rachui

UITextField has by default no left or right margin for the text rect. No app ever whants to use that default. Changing the text rect and other things like the placeholder rect etc. requires overriding UITextField. This sucks hence this simpel class provides properties to manipulate certain things you could otherwise only change by overriding UITextField.



Import header file:

#import "APLEasyTextField.h"

Use APLEasyTextField like this:

APLEasyTextField *easyTextField = ...
easyTextField.textRectInsets = UIEdgeInsetsMake(...);