AListViewController 0.1.2

AListViewController 0.1.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2018
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Arnaud Dorgans.


CI Status Version License Platform


  • Configure TableView or CollectionView with a SINGLE method
  • Manage sections and rows easily and animatedly
  • PullToRefresh and infiniteScrolling


AListViewController is available through CocoaPods.

To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "AListViewController"
pod "AListViewController/PullToRefresh" #pullToRefresh feature
pod 'AListViewController/InfiniteScrolling' #infiniteScrolling feature


Swift 3.0

How it work ?

AListViewController has two subclasses :

  • ATableViewController
  • ACollectionViewController

The only difference between those subclasses is the ListView:

  • UITableView for ATableViewController
  • UICollectionView for ACollectionViewController


Call self.configure() before super.viewDidLoad() with arguments:

cellIdentifier: @escaping (IndexPath, Any) -> String

  • Configure cell identifier at IndexPath

cellUpdate: @escaping (IndexPath,Any,ListViewCell) -> Void

  • Update cell at IndexPath

ATableViewController : cellSize: ((IndexPath, Any) -> CGSize)? ACollectionViewController : cellHeight: ((IndexPath, Any) -> CGFloat)?

  • Set cell size for IndexPath

ACollectionViewController : minimumSpacing: ((Int) -> CGSize)?

  • Set minimum spacing for Section (width: interItem, height: line)

sourceObjects: @escaping ((@escaping ([[Any]], Bool) -> Void) -> Void)

  • Fetch data in this closure.
  • Call completion closure to return these informations.
    • The fetched new objects (sourceObjects).
    • If the next loading exists (hasNext).

didSelectCell: ((IndexPath,Any) -> Void)?

  • Handle press on cell

public func refreshData(reload: Bool, immediately: Bool)

  • reload: true - replace ListView content with fetchSourceObjects - immediately: true - Immediately makes the ListView empty. - immediately: false - Refreshes the tableView after fetching the data.
  • reload: false - append fetchSourceObjects to ListView content


import AListViewController

class ExampleTableViewController: ATableViewController {

    let section0 = ["Cell 1 Section 1","Cell 2 Section 1"]
    let section1 = ["Cell 1 Section 2","Cell 2 Section 2"]

    override func viewDidLoad() {
        self.configure(cellIdentifier: { _ -> String in
            return "cell"
        }, cellUpdate: { (_, object, cell) in
            cell.textLabel?.text = object as? String
        }, sourceObjects: { (completion) in
            completion([self.section0,self.section1], true)
        }, didSelectCell: { (_, object) in
            print("select: \(object as! String)")

    //You still can override UITableViewDelegate or UICollectionViewDelegate methods for additional customizations
    func tableView(_ tableView: UITableView, titleForHeaderInSection section: Int) -> String? {
        return "Section \(section)"

In this exemple the UITableView is linked to your storyboard and you have a prototype cell with "cell" as identifier. If you call refreshData(reload: true) the content of your ListView doesn't change.

But if you call refreshData(reload: false) :

  • self.section0 is add to section at index 0
  • self.section1 is add to section at index 1


  • section at index 0 now contains ["Cell 1 Section 1","Cell 2 Section 1","Cell 1 Section 1","Cell 2 Section 1"]
  • section at index 0 now contains ["Cell 1 Section 2","Cell 2 Section 2","Cell 1 Section 2","Cell 2 Section 2"]

Additional Usage

public var fetchSourceObjectsOnViewDidLoad: Bool
public var rowAnimationEnabled: Bool

public var pullToRefreshEnabled: Bool //AListViewController/PullToRefresh
public var infiniteScrollingEnabled: Bool //AListViewController/InfiniteScrolling

open func addPullToRefresh(_ animator: ESRefreshProtocol & ESRefreshAnimatorProtocol) //AListViewController/PullToRefresh
open func addInfiniteScrolling(_ animator: ESRefreshProtocol & ESRefreshAnimatorProtocol) //AListViewController/InfiniteScrolling

public var rowAnimation: (delete: UITableViewRowAnimation, insert: UITableViewRowAnimation, reload: UITableViewRowAnimation) //ATableViewController

public func registerCellClass(_ `class`:AnyClass,withIdentifier identifier: String)
public func registerCellNib(_ nib: UINib,withIdentifier identifier: String)

public func insertSection(withObject objects:[Any]...,at index: Int? = nil)
public func insertSections(withObjects objects:[[Any]],at index: Int? = nil)

public func deleteSection(withIndex indexs:Int...)
public func deleteSections(withIndexs indexs:[Int]? = nil)

public func reloadSection(withIndex indexs:Int...)
public func reloadSections(withIndexs indexs:[Int]? = nil)

public func insertRow(withObject object:Any,at indexPath:IndexPath? = nil)
public func insertRows(withObjects objects:[Any],at indexPaths:[IndexPath])

public func deleteRow(withIndex indexs: IndexPath...)
public func deleteRows(withIndexs indexs: [IndexPath])

public func reloadRow(withIndex indexs:IndexPath...)
public func reloadRows(withIndexs indexs:[IndexPath]? = nil)

public func object(atIndexPath indexPath: IndexPath) -> Any


Arnaud Dorgans

Twitter @arnauddorgans

Email [email protected]


Inspired by mishimay


AListViewController is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.