AKLruDictionary 2.0

AKLruDictionary 2.0

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2015

Maintained by Aleksey Kozhevnikov.

  • By
  • Aleksey Kozhevnikov


LRU (least recently used) memory cache data structure with a similar API as NSCache


// Create cache for UIImage objects with total max size of 2 MB, objects exceeding size of 150 KB will be ignored
self.cache = [[AKLruDictionary alloc] initWithCountLimit:NSUIntegerMax
                                      perObjectCostLimit:2 * 1024 * 1024
                                               costLimit:150 * 1024];


- (UIImage*)imageWithMagicText:(NSString*)magicText
    NSParameterAssert(magicText != nil);

    UIImage* image = [self.cache objectForKey:magicText];
    if( image == nil ) {
        image = [MagicClass drawImageWithMagicText:magicText];
        [self.cache setObject:image forKey:magicText cost:[image ak_bytesCost]];
    return image;


Instances of AKLruDictionary class are not thread-safe, you can use AKThreadSafeLruDictionary (just wrapper with spinlock) if you need one.


The best approach is to use CocoaPods.

Install CocoaPods gem if it's not installed yet and setup its enviroment:

$ [sudo] gem install cocoapods
$ pod setup

Go to the directory containing your project's .xcodeproj file and create Podfile:

$ cd ~/Projects/MyProject
$ vim Podfile

Add the following lines to Podfile:

platform :ios
pod 'AKLruDictionary'

Finally install your pod dependencies:

$ [sudo] pod install

That's all, now open just created .xcworkspace file


Aleksey Kozhevnikov