Airwallex 5.5.6

Airwallex 5.5.6

Maintained by Airwallex.

Airwallex 5.5.6

  • By
  • Airwallex

Airwallex iOS SDK

Pod Version Pod Platform Pod License CocoaPods compatible

The Airwallex iOS SDK is a framework for integrating easy, fast and secure payments inside your app with Airwallex. It provides simple functions to send sensitive credit card data directly to Airwallex, it also provides a powerful, customizable interface for collecting user payment details.

AWXShippingViewController AWXCardViewController AWXPaymentMethodListViewController AWXPaymentViewController

Get started with our integration guide and example project.

Table of contents


The Airwallex iOS SDK supports iOS 11.0 and above.



Airwallex for iOS is available through CocoaPods.

Add this line to your Podfile:

pod 'Airwallex'

Optionally, you can also include the modules directly (This is recommended to ensure minimal dependency):

pod 'Airwallex/Core'
pod 'Airwallex/Card'
pod 'Airwallex/WechatPay'
pod 'Airwallex/Redirect'
pod 'Airwallex/ApplePay'

Run the following command:

pod install


Even though Airwallex is written in Objective-C, it can be used in Swift with no hassle. If you use CocoaPods, add the following line to your Podfile:


Basic Integration

When your app starts, configure the SDK with mode.

[Airwallex setMode:AirwallexSDKStagingMode]; // AirwallexSDKDemoMode, AirwallexSDKStagingMode, AirwallexSDKProductionMode

If you want to test on different endpoint, you can customize mode and payment URL.

[Airwallex setDefaultBaseURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@”Airwallex payment base URL”]];
  • Create a payment intent

When the customer wants to checkout an order, you should create a payment intent on your server-side and then pass the payment intent to the mobile-side to confirm the payment intent with the payment method selected.

[AWXAPIClientConfiguration sharedConfiguration].clientSecret = "The payment intent's client secret";

Note: When checkoutMode is AirwallexCheckoutRecurringMode, there is no need to create a payment intent. Instead, you'll need to generate a client secret with the customer id and pass it to AWXAPIClientConfiguration.

[AWXAPIClientConfiguration sharedConfiguration].clientSecret = "The client secret generated with customer id";
  • Create session

If you want to make a one-off payment, create a one-off session.

AWXOneOffSession *session = [AWXOneOffSession new];
session.countryCode = "Your country code";
session.billing = "Your shipping address";
session.returnURL = "App return url";
session.paymentIntent = "Payment intent";
session.autoCapture = "Whether the card payment will be captured automatically (Default YES)";

If you want to make a recurring payment, create a recurring session.

AWXRecurringSession *session = [AWXRecurringSession new];
session.countryCode = "Your country code";
session.billing = "Your shipping address";
session.returnURL = "App return url";
session.currency = "Currency code";
session.amount = "Total amount";
session.customerId = "Customer id";
session.nextTriggerByType = "customer or merchant";
session.requiresCVC = "Whether it requires CVC (Default NO)";
session.merchantTriggerReason = "Unscheduled or scheduled";

If you want to make a recurring with payment intent, create a recurring with intent session.

AWXRecurringWithIntentSession *session = [AWXRecurringWithIntentSession new];
session.countryCode = "Your country code";
session.billing = "Your shipping address";
session.returnURL = "App return url";
session.paymentIntent = "Payment intent";
session.autoCapture = "Whether the card payment will be captured automatically (Default YES)";
session.nextTriggerByType = "customer or merchant";
session.requiresCVC = "Whether it requires CVC (Default NO)";
session.merchantTriggerReason = "Unscheduled or scheduled";
  • Handle the one-off payment or recurring flow

Upon checkout, use AWXUIContext to present the payment flow where the user will be able to select the payment method.

AWXUIContext *context = [AWXUIContext sharedContext];
context.delegate = "The target to handle AWXPaymentResultDelegate protocol";
context.session = "The session created above";
[context presentPaymentFlowFrom:self];
  • Handle the payment result

After the user completes the payment successfully or with error, you need to handle the payment result.

#pragma mark - AWXPaymentResultDelegate

- (void)paymentViewController:(UIViewController *)controller didCompleteWithStatus:(AirwallexPaymentStatus)status error:(nullable NSError *)error
    [controller dismissViewControllerAnimated:YES completion:^{
        // Status may be success/in progress/ failure / cancel

Set Up WeChat Pay

After completing payment, WeChat will be redirected to the merchant's app and do a callback using onResp(), then it can retrieve the payment intent status after the merchant server is notified, so please keep listening to the notification.

@interface AppDelegate () <WXApiDelegate>


@implementation AppDelegate

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
    [WXApi registerApp:@"WeChat app id" universalLink:@""];
    return YES;

- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)app openURL:(NSURL *)url options:(NSDictionary<UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey,id> *)options
    return [WXApi handleOpenURL:url delegate:self];

 You can retrieve the payment intent status after your server is notified
- (void)onResp:(BaseResp *)resp
    if ([resp isKindOfClass:[PayResp class]]) {
        NSString *message = nil;
        PayResp *response = (PayResp *)resp;
        switch (response.errCode) {
            case WXSuccess:
                message = NSLocalizedString(@"Succeed to pay", nil);
            case WXErrCodeUserCancel:
                message = NSLocalizedString(@"User cancelled.", nil);
                message = NSLocalizedString(@"Failed to pay", nil);
        UIAlertController *controller = [UIAlertController alertControllerWithTitle:nil
        [controller addAction:[UIAlertAction actionWithTitle:NSLocalizedString(@"Close", nil) style:UIAlertActionStyleCancel handler:nil]];
        [self.window.rootViewController presentViewController:controller animated:YES completion:nil];


Set Up Apple Pay

The Airwallex iOS SDK allows merchants to provide Apple Pay as a payment method to their customers.

  • Make sure Apple Pay is set up correctly in the app. For more information, refer to Apple's official doc.
  • Make sure Apple Pay is enabled on your Airwallex account.
  • Include the Apple Pay module when installing the SDK.
  • Prepare the Merchant Identifier and configure applePayOptions on the payment session object.

Apple Pay will now be presented as an option in the payment method sheet.

AWXOneOffSession *session = [AWXOneOffSession new];
... configure other properties

session.applePayOptions = [[AWXApplePayOptions alloc] initWithMerchantIdentifier:@"Merchant Identifier"];

Please note that Apple Pay only supports AWXOneOffSession at the moment. We'll add support for recurring payment sessions in the future.

Customize Apple Pay

You can customize the Apple Pay options to restrict it as well as provide extra context. For more information, please refer to the AWXApplePayOptions.h header file.

AWXApplePayOptions *options = ...;
options.additionalPaymentSummaryItems = @[
    [PKPaymentSummaryItem summaryItemWithLabel:@"goods" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"10"]],
    [PKPaymentSummaryItem summaryItemWithLabel:@"tax" amount:[NSDecimalNumber decimalNumberWithString:@"5"]]
options.merchantCapabilities = PKMerchantCapability3DS | PKMerchantCapabilityDebit;
options.requiredBillingContactFields = [NSSet setWithObjects:PKContactFieldPostalAddress, nil];
options.supportedCountries = [NSSet setWithObjects:@"AU", nil];
options.totalPriceLabel = @"COMPANY, INC.";


Be aware that we currently support the following payment networks for Apple Pay:

  • Visa
  • MasterCard
  • ChinaUnionPay
  • Maestro (iOS 12+)

Customers will only be able to select the cards of the above payment networks during Apple Pay.

Coupon is also not supported at this stage.

Theme Color

You can customize the theme color.

UIColor *tintColor = [UIColor colorWithRed:97.0f/255.0f green:47.0f/255.0f blue:255.0f/255.0f alpha:1];
[AWXTheme sharedTheme].tintColor = tintColor;
[UIView.appearance setTintColor:tintColor];


The Examples can be run on the latest Xcode. To run the example app, you should follow these steps.

  • Clone source code

Run the following script to clone this project to your local disk.

git clone [email protected]:airwallex/airwallex-payment-ios.git
  • Install dependencies and open project

Make sure you have installed Cocoapods and then run the following command in the project directory:

pod install
  • Update key file (Optional)

In the Examples/Keys folder, edit Keys_sample.json with proper keys and then rename it to Keys.json.

  • Build and run Examples schema

If you didn't update the key file, you can use the in-app setting screen to update the keys. Make sure to tap Generate customer button first before continuing with checkouts.


We welcome contributions of any kind including new features, bug fixes, and documentation improvements. The best way to contribute is by submitting a pull request – we'll do our best to respond to your patch as soon as possible. You can also submit an issue if you find bugs or have any questions.