Tool for adding badge with version number to application icons.
Just add pod 'ABIcons'
to your Podfile and install/update your pods.
How to use
Add new build phase to your main target of your project before compile sources. This build phase will generate new app icons with (or without) version number badge.
The ABIcons binary will be available via ${ABICONS_PATH}
. Provide Info.plist file path via -infoPlistPath
and app icon path via -appIconsPath
parameters to ABIcons binary. Also use -overrideShowVersion 1
to draw badge on icon (and 0 otherwise).
Example script:
"${ABICONS_PATH}" -infoPlistPath "${SRCROOT}/${TARGET_NAME}/Info.plist" -appIconsPath "${SRCROOT}/${TARGET_NAME}/Resources/Assets.xcassets/AppIcon.appiconset" -overrideShowVersion 1
Full list of options available via -help
ABIcons will generate png-orig
(e.g. icon_20pt.png-orig) icon files. Store them in your CVS system for comfortable use and add your previous icons to .gitignore file (via adding line Path/to/your/AppIcon/appiconset/*.png
) to avoid unnecessary conflicts when generating images.
ABIcons is owned and maintained by the CleverPumpkin, Ltd
CleverPumpkin, [email protected]
ABIcons is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE for more info.