Sean Wiese

AccountKit helps you quickly sign in to apps using just your phone number or email address — no password needed. It's reliable, easy to use and gives you a choice about how you sign up for apps. It's built by Facebook but does not require a Facebook account to use.
License: Custom
(DEPRECATED: Use FBSDKCoreKit,FBSDKLoginKit, and FBSDKShareKit podspecs instead) The Facebook SDK for iOS enables you to use Facebook's Platform such as: * Facebook Login to easily sign in users. * Sharing features like the Share or Message Dialog to grow your app. * Simpler Graph API access to provide more social context.
Facebook's Audience Network allows you to monetize your iOS and Android apps with Facebook ads.
License: Custom
Integrate your app with Messenger: * share images, GIFs, videos, and audio * create optimized integrations to drive discovery and engagement * Facebook Login is not required.