Anton Bukov

Fully configurable iOS calendar UI component with multiple layouts and smooth animations.
License: MIT
You just need to set NSFetchedResultsController delegate to [[ABCollectionViewFRC alloc] initWithCollectionView:self.collectionView delegate:self] instead of just self and you will be able to animate UICollectionView changes in default methods.
License: MIT
You can easily create photo editor to crop, pan and rotate photo. Editor is able to draw aspect ratio lines while cropping and avoid image edges accurately while cropping and rotating image.
License: MIT
Collection of iOS intentions. Inspired by
License: MIT
You can develop several similar apps in one project by dividing them
by different targets. With this library you can vary texts by tagging
them like this: NSLocalizedString(@"LOGIN_INVITATION#APP1", @"")
NSLocalizedString(@"LOGIN_INVITATION#APP2", @"")
Works even for localized storyboard strings.
License: MIT
Dynamically hide rows and sections in static UITableView inside UITableViewController.
License: MIT
This UIVisualEffectsView subclass allows to dynamically adjust blur radius and other values by changing a lot of properties.
License: MIT
This library extends CALayer class to support .autoresizingMask property.
Add provide fast way to replace UIViews with CALayers right in IB by adding
"User Defined Runtime Attribute" - BOOL replaceWithLayer
License: MIT
You can easily create photo editor to crop, pan and rotate photo. Editor is able to draw aspect ratio lines while cropping and avoid image edges accurately while cropping and rotating image.
License: MIT
DeluxeInjection allows you simply inject any property of any class by defining value or getter of this property with a block. This should be the simplest DI library ever.
License: MIT
Simply observe ViewModel changes by View layer using block-based syntax over vanilla Cocoa KVO. The main idea is to observe keypaths like this one - @keypath(self.viewModel.state) and not to unsubscribe.
License: MIT
KVOControllerBind allows you to simplify data binding between View and ViewModel. Also it resolves binding cycles helping you to avoid endless recursion.
License: MIT
Use this class to subclass it. Hide some dynamic views inside LaunchScreen.xib if nessesary. Add subclass to storyboard and implement any animations you want in your subclass.
License: MIT
Leaderboards with GameCenter, Twitter, Facebook friends and others. Friends highscore push notifications on top of Apple CloudKit.
License: MIT
libMachO is a lightweight, C library for parsing in-memory Mach-O images. It should not be used to parse binaries which have not been loaded into memory by the kernel/dyld. To keep the library lightweight libMachO overlays itself atop the MachO binary and provides a structured set of APIs to parse the data. libMachO does not build up its own independent representation of the Mach-O opting to continuously walk the Mach-O structures to access requested data. This means that libMachO generally expects well-formed MachO binaries.
License: MIT
Backport of Apple NSLayoutAnchor API to iOS7 and some missings
like sizeAnchor
and edgesAnchor
. Also introduced modern
pattern to create and activate several constraints.
License: MIT
is UICollectionViewLayout
subclass that implements tiled layout or
mosaic layout automagically adopted to any iPhone screen size.
Layout is column-based and inspired by lightbox layout.
License: MIT
Simple library to declare anonimous classes in Objective-C runtime, override methods for instances of classes and add methods for instances of classes.
License: MIT
NCController allows you to observe default's NSNotificationCenter notifications using blocks and do not care of unobservation.
Single class: MLWNCController
License: MIT
Allows Objective-C developers remove a lot of boilerplate code
for checking if target responds to selector with tiny property orNil
If target do not responds to selector, nil
will be used as selector target :)
License: MIT
Allows you to overlap any possible UI elements like UILabels, UIButtons and even UIToolbars. Just create 2 views or both states and update overlap region from scrollViewDidScroll or panGestureHandler
License: MIT
Plausible CrashReporter provides an in-process crash reporting framework for use on both iOS and Mac OS X, and powers many of the crash reporting services available for iOS, including HockeyApp, Flurry, Crittercism and FoglightAPM.
License: MIT
Main thread performance monitor 🐶. Lives in a separate thread and checks, that main thread executes small commands in a short time. If faces some delays it starts grabbing the main thread callstacks and then reports callstacks summary tree. It doesn't require dSYM files for symbolication.
License: MIT
Wanna align image and text of UIButton in reverse order? Just use RTLButton
and your button content will be right to left aligned even in storyboard :)
License: MIT
RuntimeRoutines allows you to access classes, protocols, properties, methods, attrbutes and many other with block-based syntax.
License: MIT
iOS library for quickly displaying images while scrolling
License: MIT
A longer description of UINavigationController-StatusBar in Markdown format.
License: MIT
Just install this pod and use inspectable layer properties for all UIViews and UIView subclasses in Interface Builder.
License: MIT