Felix Paul Kühne

MediaLibraryKit is an abstraction of CoreData to be used with for any kind of audio-visual media. It can do thumbnailing, metadata parsing as well as playback state management. It is a proven code based deployed with VLC-iOS since day one.
License: Custom
MobileVLCKit is an Objective-C wrapper for libvlc's external interface on iOS.
License: Custom
MobileVLCKit is an Objective-C wrapper for libvlc's external interface on iOS.
License: Custom
MobileVLCKit is an Objective-C wrapper for libvlc's external interface on iOS.
License: Custom
TVVLCKit is an Objective-C wrapper for libvlc's external interface on tvOS.
License: Custom
Static OS X & iOS UPnP library written in Cocoa (UPnP) and C++ (SSDP).The Current implementation has support for control point/client only.
Extends UICollectionViewFlowLayout to support reordering of cells. Similar to long press and pan on books in iBook. Custom fork for VLC
License: MIT