EventLoggerLog event count and event time in iOS. Log time and eventsLicense: MITObjective CHTTPDNSHTTPDNS 库 Objective-C 实现。 支持 DNSPod、DNSPod 企业版、AliYunDNS 等(方便扩展)License: MITObjective CHTTPDNS-SwiftHttpDNS 库 Swift 实现(使用DNSPod、AliYunDNS)License: MITSwiftNetworkDiagnoseNetwork Diagnose framework, include: - Ping - TCPPing - NSLookup - TraceRoute - HTTP - NetworkInfoLicense: MITObjective CSuperID为iOS、Android应用提供「刷脸登录」功能,简化注册、登录流程。SuperID SDK FaceLoginLicense: CustomObjective CSuperLoggerSave NSLog() to file and send email to developer. Think: Why did you write this? What is the focus? What does it do? CocoaPods will be using this to generate tags, and improve search results. Try to keep it short, snappy and to the point. Finally, don't worry about the indent, CocoaPods strips it! License: MITObjective CYXWaveViewA water wave animation view with a over view floatLicense: MITSwift