Guilherme Araújo



Bumbo is a client for Thumbor written in Swift. It helps you adding filters to images without worries.

License: MIT

  • Swift


GUIPlayerView implements a simple video player using AVPlayer.

To use it, you must create a GUIPlayerView object and add it as a subview to your desired view. Then set the property videoURL and call prepareAndPlayAutomatically:.

If you decide not to play automatically, you can leave for the user to press Play, or you can do it programmatically by calling play.

Once you're done playing the video, you may want to remove it from your view. To do so, just call the method clean and everything will be released, and the player view will be removed from its superview.

There are several optional delegate methods you can use:

  • - (void)playerDidPause;
  • - (void)playerDidResume;
  • - (void)playerDidEndPlaying;
  • - (void)playerWillEnterFullscreen;
  • - (void)playerDidEnterFullscreen;
  • - (void)playerWillLeaveFullscreen;
  • - (void)playerDidLeaveFullscreen;
  • - (void)playerFailedToPlayToEnd;
  • - (void)playerStalled;

License: MIT

  • Objective C


GUIRoundProgressButton is a good looking, round button with a progress indicator.

License: MIT

  • Objective C


GUITabPagerViewController is a simple paged view controller with tabs.

License: MIT

  • Objective C