Robert Böhnke

Set up your Auto Layout constraints declaratively and without any stringly typing!
Expecta is a matcher framework for Objective-C and Cocoa. The main advantage of using Expecta over other matcher frameworks is that you do not have to specify the data types. Also, the syntax of Expecta matchers is much more readable and does not suffer from parenthesitis. If you have used Jasmine before, you will feel right at home!
License: MIT
The Extended Objective-C library extends the dynamism of the Objective-C programming language to support additional patterns present in other dynamic programming languages (including those that are not necessarily object-oriented). libextobjc is meant to be very modular – most of its classes and modules can be used with no more than one or two dependencies.
RBBAnimation is a subclass of CAKeyframeAnimation that allows you to declare your animations using blocks instead of writing out all the individual key-frames.
It also comes with a replacement for CASpringAnimation.
License: MIT
Specta is a light-weight testing framework that adds RSpec-like DSL to XCTest.
License: MIT
Underscore.m is an Objective-C library inspired by underscore.js.
License: MIT