Daniel Blakemore

A set of class methods which allow you to present alerts with one or two buttons.
On iOS 7, it uses UIAlertView
. On iOS 8 it uses UIAlertController
License: MIT
A couple of classes for presenting a camera that can pick from your photo library and a class for quickly prompting the user to pick from the photo library. Additionally, a class for easily controlling and managing a custom camera interface.
License: MIT
PXCoalescedRunner lets you coalesce multiple close-together calls to the same method into a single call, which is made once the method has not been called for a specific amount of time.
License: MIT
A view that allows you to create a gradient with as little as one line of code.
License: MIT
An imageview with better content modes like Top which means fit and align to top.
License: MIT
A view that can scroll forever in either direction, with delegate methods that let you load the content for a view at a particular index lazily (only when it is shown).
License: MIT
When the button is selected/pressed, you can see through the text/icon which is cut out of a color (or gradient). In the default state the button has an outline and a draws the image and title in color (or gradient).
License: MIT
PXMultiForwarder lets you wrap multiple objects and send messages to all of them as if you were working with one.
License: MIT
A view and view controller subclass that let you specify which of your view's subviews should rotate in place when the phone rotates.
License: MIT
A toolbox of useful stuff:
License: MIT
A set of subclasses for viewcontrollers and UINavigationController
that allow you to have a title and a subtitle in the nav bar as well as custom font, colors, and more.
License: MIT
A category on UIAlertController which provdes a constructor that takes title strings and button blocks for arbitrary alerts and sheets.
License: MIT
Performs a component-wise comparison of colors for equality.
This allows for the comparison of colors that are saved to disk (via NSKeyedArchiver for example) and loaded again. The float serialization is imprecise so this bins them with the precision of 1/255 for each channel.
License: MIT
Colors are nice. It's also nice to have more than just these:
+ blackColor
+ darkGrayColor
+ lightGrayColor
+ whiteColor
+ grayColor
+ redColor
+ greenColor
+ blueColor
+ cyanColor
+ yellowColor
+ magentaColor
+ orangeColor
+ purpleColor
+ brownColor
+ clearColor
Try 1000+ more. (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
License: MIT
A collection of useful image categories including: * tinting (manual) * rounded corners * blur * fix orientation so it's not broken (a.k.a. apple-style) * resizing
License: MIT
Use the instance method -screenshot on any view or the UIView class method screenshotWholeWindow to screenshot the entire window.
License: MIT