Alberto De Bortoli



Simple concept of Actor Model in Objective-C based on the idea of Valletta Ventures.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


NSInvocationOperation are used under the hood in place of GCD (Grand Central Dispatch) since operations put in a NSOperationQueue object can be canceled. This threading fashion allows optimized long scrolling where a lot of cells are displayed and immediately reused/disappeared, without the obligation to execute the job of no more visible cells. ADBBackgroundCells are block-based and use Objective-C runtime.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


A download manager for iOS. Actually, all that you need to download files without any external library.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


ADBIndexedTableView uses introspection and message forwarding.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


A UITextView replacement with reasonable delegate methods.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


A proper thread-safe state machine for Objective-C.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


Class to shorten URLs with on iOS (both block based and delegate based using ARC).

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


Simple view showing the steps of a flow as used in the Beamly iOS app.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


This version of the pull to refresh feature can be used both on UITableViews and UICollectionViews. When dealing with a custom pull to refresh view, often the native UIRefreshControl is not ideal as it is not customizable. A common customization besides the pull to refresh, is to have a circular progress view with the logo of the app to show during the dragging. This version of the pull to refresh allows to preserve the contentInset on the scrollview.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


This version of the scrollable navigation bar feature is an evolution on Valentin Shergin's SherginScrollableNavigationBar. There are a few open source components for iOS but all of them suffer of different issues (included the original SherginScrollableNavigationBar) and work only with translucent or opaque navigation bars. This version aims to support both translucent and opaque navigation bars.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


GoldRaccoon is a iOS component that allow you to connect to a FTP service and perform listing, creation, deletion, upload and download operations.

License: BSD 3.0

  • Objective C


The easiest Future and Promises framework in Swift. No magic. No boilerplate. - Fully unit-tested and documented 💯 - Thread-safe 🚦 - Clean interface 👼 - Support for chaining ⛓ - Support for cancellation 🙅‍♂️ - Queue-based block execution if needed 🚆 - Result type provided via generics 🚀 - Keeping the magic to the minimum, leaving the code in a readable state without going off of a tangent with fancy and unnecessary design decisions ಠ_ಠ

License: MIT

  • Swift


A minimalistic, thread safe, non-boilerplate and super easy to use version of Active Record on Core Data. Simply all you need for doing Core Data. Swift flavour.

License: MIT

  • Swift


License: MIT