Brandon McQuilkin
M13AsynchronousImageView is a category extension of UIImageView that loads images asynchronously. Just pass the URL of the image, local or external, and the UIImageView will take care of loading the image in the background. This is perfect for UITableViews and UICollectionViews, as it doesn't block the main thread with image loading, so the main interface is still responsive.
License: MIT
A customizable implementation of badges for UIViews. Works on any UIView. It animates, and can control its own layout.
License: MIT
Create beautiful, customizable, extendable, animated checkboxes on iOS. Completely configurable through interface builder. See the demo app or playground to play with all the features.
License: MIT
M13ContextMenu is a Pintrest style context menu for iOS. Designed to work with UICollectionViews, it is easily added to any UICollectionView to add a context menu for each cell. It can also be added to any other UIView. The items are customizable, so it is very easy to style the context menu for your application.
License: MIT
A set of classes to read and write character separated value files and strings. It has presets for all the standard separator characters, and can also handle custom separators.
License: MIT
M13InfiniteTabBar is an elegant replacement for UITabBar. UITabBar becomes a problem when you have more than five view controllers that have the need to be accessed an equal amount of times. It maskes no sense to hide any of the tabs away under the "More" tab. Plus it takes two extra clicks to reach the view controllers behind the "More" button. M13InfiniteTabBar solves this problem by having all the view controllers on a single level. The "extra" view controllers can be reached by scrolling the tab bar left or right. The scrolling does pose a problem though, in which direction is my offscreen tab? M13InfiniteTabBar solves this by putting the tabs in an infinite scrolling loop. Any tab can be reached by scrolling in any direction. M13InfiniteTabBar also has a few other features that UITabBar doesn't offer on top of that.
License: MIT
A cross between NSArray and NSDictionary. It holds an ordered list of objects and keys. All of which can be accessed by index, or key. This class is not a minimally finished class, with one or two methods. It follows Apple's subclassing protocols for NSArray and NSDictionary. It has methods comparable to all of NSArray's methods and all of NSDictionary's methods. It also supports NSCoding, NSCopying, KVO, and supports NSFastEnumeration over the objects or keys. It is the only fully implemented ordered dictionary class.
License: MIT
M13PDFKit is based off of vfr/Reader. The backend uses the same classes that Reader uses, the front end has been recreated to match iOS 8's design, and use more up to date features, like UICollectionViews.
License: MIT
M13ProgressSuite includes many diffrent of styles of progress views: bar, ring, pie, etc. It also includes a HUD overlay and a UINavigationController with progress bar built in.
License: MIT
These are a bunch of class categories, and classes that I have created that I use in multiple projects.
License: MIT