Alex Rouse

A library to handle storing map annotations in a Quadtrees, and for returning clusters of annotations to allow easy grouping of map items based on proximity.
License: MIT
BoardingPass is a subclass of UINavigationController
with interactive push
and pop gestures. It offers behaviors similar to UIPageViewController
but with all of the familiar behaviors of navigation controller, and the
ability to add fancy effects by animating alongside transitions.
License: MIT
Drafter is a set of simple wrapper calls around creating and accessing NSLayoutConstraints which makes it much less verbose when creating them progromatically. It allows for many of the common constraint creation operations to be expressed in a more concise way compared to the standard NSLayoutConstraint creation methods
License: MIT
RIGImageGallery is an image gallery for iOS written in Swift.
The goal is to offer sensible defaults that takes care of most of building an image gallery automatically, and offer easy block based customization.
License: MIT
RZCellSizeManager is an object used to cache and get cell heights for UICollectionView cells and UITableView cells. It works especially well when using AutoLayout but can be used anytime you want to cache cell sizes.
License: MIT
A framework for transforming and combining data from Core Data and other sources and displaying it in a UITableView or UICollectionView.
License: MIT
Tired of writing boilerplate to import deserialized API responses to model objects?
Tired of dealing with dozens and dozens of string keys?
RZImport is here to help!
RZImport is a category on NSObject and an accompanying optional protocol for creating and updating model objects in your iOS applications. It's particularly useful for importing objects from deserialized JSON HTTP responses in REST APIs, but it works with any NSDictionary or array of dictionaries that you need to convert to native model objects.
License: MIT
RZIntrinsicContentSizeTextView is a UITextView that grows dynamically in height.
License: MIT
A longer description of RZSafariKeychain in Markdown format.
License: MIT
RZTransitions is a library to help make iOS7 custom View Controller transitions slick and simple. Features Include: * A comprehensive library of animation controllers * A comprehensive library of interaction controllers * Mix and match any animation controller with any interaction controller * A shared instance manager that helps wrap the iOS7 custom transition protocol to expose a friendlier API
License: MIT
RZTweenSpirit is a lightweight, simple tweening and animation library for iOS. It allows you to easily create piecewise animation timelines with precise control, for things like onboarding slideshows, creative scrolling effects, and parallax.
License: MIT
RZUtils is a collection of categories and smaller components for iOS development that are used by the Raizlabs development team in multiple applications. This library will continue to grow as components are added, edited, deprecated and removed.
See the README for more details on the individual components.
Stack management, ActiveRecord utilities, and seamless importing for Core Data. RZVinyl makes it easy to manage Core Data stacks, multiple contexts, concurrency, and more.
ActiveRecord-style extensions for NSManagedObject let you easily create, find, filter, sort, and enumerate objects in your database.
With the RZImport extension, importing objects into Core Data from external sources is simple and intuitive.
License: MIT