Tony Mann

Keep It Functional - iOS UI acceptance testing in an XCUnit harness.
NUI is a drop-in UI kit for iOS that lets you style UI elements using a stylesheet, similar to CSS. It lets you style an entire app in minutes.
License: MIT
Barcode scanning is part of the AV Framework, but it takes
some work to figure it all out and then set it up to be efficient and robust. TFBarcodeScanner
makes it super easy: create a view controller subclass of TFBarcodeScannerViewController
override barcodeWasScanned
, and you are scanning barcodes!
License: MIT
In a regular table view, only the current section header is pinned to the top. TFStackingSectionsTableView keeps all the section headers on screen, stacked at the top and bottom of the table. You can then tap a section header to bring that section into view.
License: MIT