Quan Vo



Safe and easy wrappers for common Firebase Database functions like get, set, delete, and increment. Also for creating a DatabaseReference with specified children added to its path. Filters the children and throws an error if a child key is invalid, such as a blank or double slashes. Without this check, Firebase Database crashes at runtime.

License: MIT

  • Swift


GroupWork is an easy to use Swift framework that helps you orchestrate your concurrent, asynchronous functions in a clean and organized way. This helps make large functions with multiple asynchronous tasks more clear and easy to follow.

License: MIT

  • Swift


An easy way to manage the Network Activity Indicator with multiple network requests. Prevents network requests that are finishing from prematurely hiding the Network Activity Indicator if there are still other network requests in progress. Also has built in safety features like disabling the Network Activity Indicator after a timeout.

License: MIT

  • Swift