Chris Ballinger

CocoaAsyncSocket supports TCP and UDP. The AsyncSocket class is for TCP, and the AsyncUdpSocket class is for UDP. AsyncSocket is a TCP/IP socket networking library that wraps CFSocket and CFStream. It offers asynchronous operation, and a native Cocoa class complete with delegate support or use the GCD variant GCDAsyncSocket. AsyncUdpSocket is a UDP/IP socket networking library that wraps CFSocket. It works almost exactly like the TCP version, but is designed specifically for UDP. This includes queued non-blocking send/receive operations, full delegate support, run-loop based, self-contained class, and support for IPv4 and IPv6.
A lightweight Objective-C wrapper for some FFmpeg libav functions
License: Custom
The Kickflip platform provides a complete video broadcasting solution for your iOS application.
License: Apache 2
A replacement for Cocoa's NSXML cluster of classes. Based on libxml.
GNU Libidn is a fully documented implementation of the Stringprep, Punycode and IDNA specifications. Libidn's purpose is to encode and decode internationalized domain names. The native C, C# and Java libraries are available under the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 or later.
The library contains a generic Stringprep implementation. Profiles for Nameprep, iSCSI, SASL, XMPP and Kerberos V5 are included. Punycode and ASCII Compatible Encoding (ACE) via IDNA are supported. A mechanism to define Top-Level Domain (TLD) specific validation tables, and to compare strings against those tables, is included. Default tables for some TLDs are also included.
The Stringprep API consists of two main functions, one for converting data from the system's native representation into UTF-8, and one function to perform the Stringprep processing. Adding a new Stringprep profile for your application within the API is straightforward. The Punycode API consists of one encoding function and one decoding function. The IDNA API consists of the ToASCII and ToUnicode functions, as well as an high-level interface for converting entire domain names to and from the ACE encoded form. The TLD API consists of one set of functions to extract the TLD name from a domain string, one set of functions to locate the proper TLD table to use based on the TLD name, and core functions to validate a string against a TLD table, and some utility wrappers to perform all the steps in one call.
The library is used by, e.g., GNU SASL and Shishi to process user names and passwords. Libidn can be built into GNU Libc to enable a new system-wide getaddrinfo flag for IDN processing.
Libidn is developed for the GNU/Linux system, but runs on over 20 Unix platforms (including Solaris, IRIX, AIX, and Tru64) and Windows. The library is written in C and (parts of) the API is also accessible from C++, Emacs Lisp, Python and Java. A native Java and C# port is included.
Also included is a command line tool, several self tests, code examples, and more, all licensed under the GNU General Public License version 3.0 or later.
License: Unknown
Sodium is a portable, cross-compilable, installable, packageable, API-compatible version of NaCl.
License: BSD
The libsqlfs library implements a POSIX style file system on top of an SQLite database. It allows applications to have access to a full read/write file system in a single file, complete with its own file hierarchy and name space. This is useful for applications which needs structured storage, such as embedding documents within documents, or management of configuration data or preferences.
License: Custom
XMPPFramework provides a core implementation of RFC-3920 (the xmpp standard), along with the tools needed to read & write XML. It comes with multiple popular extensions (XEPs), all built atop a modular architecture, allowing you to plug-in any code needed for the job. Additionally the framework is massively parallel and thread-safe. Structured using GCD, this framework performs well regardless of whether it's being run on an old iPhone, or on a 12-core Mac Pro. (And it won't block the main thread... at all).
License: Unknown