Hermes Pique

Haneke resizes images and caches the result on memory and disk. Everything is done in background, allowing for fast, responsive scrolling. Asking Haneke to load, resize, cache and display an appropriately sized image is as simple as:
[imageView hnk_setImageFromURL:url];
License: Apache 2
Haneke extension to use AFNetworking to download images.
License: Apache 2
A lightweight generic cache for iOS written in Swift with extra love for images.
License: Custom
Drop-in UITableView replacement to reorder cells with long press on any part of the cell.
License: Apache 2
The simplest way to handle links and interactive attachments in UITextView.
License: Apache 2
Categories to make autolayout (more) readable and less verbose. For iOS and OS X.
License: Apache 2
A UIImageView subclass that ignores touches on transparent pixels.
License: Apache 2