Mobile Jazz

Simple wrapper around CoreBluetooth that replace delegate based API with block based API
License: Apache-2.0
Hermod defines a simple, easy to use, intuitive and flexible HTTP client on top of AFNetworking.
License: Apache-2.0
Hermod defines a simple, easy to use, intuitive and flexible HTTP client on top of AFNetworking.
License: Apache 2
Map and set your JSON objects to objective-C objects using Cocoa's KeyValueCoding. This category sets a minimalist set of methods to map the JSON keys into class properties and set your JSON objects into NSObjects subclasses.
For a basic overview of how Motis works checkout the Mobile Jazz blog post:
Simple & Powerful.
License: Apache 2
UINibWrapper helps you to nest nibs inside other nibs without writing a single line of code. Checkout the README file to learn how.
License: Apache 2
PersistentModel uses the same concept of context and persistent store as CoreData does mixed with a NSCoding protocol to encode and decode model objects. Write down your classes by code and add the coding protocol and you will have a full operational persistent object management. It’s fast, simple, and very useful when there is no need to create complex queries among all set of objects. Also, PersistentModel supports multiple key accessing via KVC, meaning you can define additional keys to access and retrieve your properties. This is very useful to set values from dictionaries whose come from some external server.
License: Apache 2