a Button can spread its sub path button like the flower if you click,once again,close. it have two position mode fixedMode like a nail & touchBorderMode like the AssistiveTouch is iphone.
License: MIT
A Category to make cornerRadius for UIImageView have no Offscreen-Rendered, be more efficiency
License: MIT
Util Handed all keyboard events with Block Conveniently.The important role is AnimateWhenKeyboardAppearAutomaticAnimBlock, you can let it handle the event what keyboard cover you inputView automatically. all in the demo. thx.
License: MIT
Request location information any time any where conveniently.
License: MIT
side slip filter with your goods page, support custom action, custom region, custom all the things.
License: MIT
You can use panGesture let the tableviewCell(thumbanil) expanded, expand topView or Bottom which DIY by youself. and you can congure the tableview cell, topView, bottomView and update cell certainly with the Block in ZYThumbnailTableView. have fun!
License: MIT