paybear-ios 1.0.4

paybear-ios 1.0.4

Maintained by Ryan Cohen.

  • By
  • Ryan Cohen

🐻 Paybear iOS

CI Status Version License Platform PRs Welcome


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Set Paybear API key


Get current market prices

Paybear.shared.getCurrencies(completion: { (currencies, error) in
    if let currencies = currencies, error == nil {
        // Array of currency. Nice

Get market exchange rates for all cryptocurrencies

Paybear.shared.getMarketRates(fiat: .usd) { (rates, error) in
    if let rates = rates, error == nil {
        // ...

Get single market exchange rate for cryptocurrency

Paybear.shared.getSingleMarketRate(fiat: .usd, crypto: .btc) { (rate, error) in
    if let rate = rate, error == nil {
        // ...

Create payment request in given cryptocurrency

Paybear.shared.createPaymentRequest(crypto: .btc, callbackURL: "") { (request, error) in
    if let request = request, error == nil {
        // ...

Create payment request as QR code image

Paybear.shared.getPaymentRequestQR(crypto: .btc, amount: 1.0, address: "123", message: "Free money", size: nil) { (image) in
    if let image = image {
        // QR code image containing a payment URL

Login a user

Paybear.shared.login(email: "[email protected]", password: "password", twoFactorDelegate: nil) { (token, error) in
    if let token = token, error == nil {
        // We can now make user-based requests with our stored token!

Another way to login a user

Utilize the TwoFactorAuthProtocol to receive a callback when a 2FA code is requested.

Paybear.shared.login(email: "[email protected]", password: "password", twoFactorDelegate: self) { (token, error) in
    if let token = token, error == nil {
        // We can now make user-based requests with our stored token!
func paybearDidRequestTwoFactorAuthentication() {
    // Prompt for 2FA code here
    Paybear.shared.loginTwoFactor(code: "123456") { (success) in
        if success {
            // We have completed the login process

Post-login two-factor authentication

Paybear.shared.loginTwoFactor(code: "123456") { (success) in
    if success {
        // We have completed the login process
        // Best to call this function on login completion

Get user properties

Paybear.shared.getUser(completion: { (user, error) in
    if let user = user, error == nil {
        // We've got a valid user object!

Enable or disable a currency on the dashboard

Paybear.shared.enableCurrency(.btc, enable: true, address: "123", completion: { (success) in
    if success {
        // Enabled BTC with wallet address 123


  • Alamofire
  • Quick/Nimble (to run tests only)


paybear-ios is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'paybear-ios'


Ryan Cohen, [email protected]


paybear-ios is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.