iOS-Density-Map 0.1.2

iOS-Density-Map 0.1.2

Maintained by Enrique Bermudez.

  • By
  • ebermudezcds

iOS Density Map

Version License Platform Build Status

By using OpenGL ES, iOS Density Map allows you to efficiently render thousands of particles over a map.

iOS Density Map has two main components:

GLParticlesRender: Renders all the particles in a eaglcontext. Basically it renders groups of particles with a specific style (GLParticleStyle).

GLDensityMapView: Provides the eaglcontext and the particles groups info for the GLParticlesRender. The GLDensityMapView provides a number of properties and blocks that needs to be overwritten in order to display the particles.


iOS-Density-Map is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'iOS-Density-Map'

Then import the GLDensityMap.h header file:

#import <GLDensityMap.h>


- (void)setupDensityMapView{
    //Set the number of particles styles (style groups).
    self.densityMapView.styleGroupsCount = 1;
    //Returns the `GLParticleStyle` for each group.
    self.densityMapView.styleForStyleGroup = ^GLParticleStyle(GLStyleGroupIndex groupIndex) {
        GLParticleStyle style = {
            .radius = 7,
            .blurFactor = 0.95,
            .r = 255,
            .g = 130,
            .b = 0,
            .opacity = 0.45,
        return style;
    __weak ViewController *wself = self;
    //Returns the number of particles for each group.
    self.densityMapView.particlesCountForStyleGroup = ^uint(GLStyleGroupIndex groupIndex) {
        return (int)wself.locations.count;
    //Retruns the x,y position for each particle
    self.densityMapView.positionForParticle = ^CGPoint(GLParticleIndex pointIndex, GLStyleGroupIndex groupIndex) {
        return  [wself.mapView convertCoordinate:wself.locations[pointIndex].coordinate



Enrique Bermúdez, [email protected]


iOS Density Map is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.