ZHNBaseSingleton 0.0.4

ZHNBaseSingleton 0.0.4

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2015

Maintained by Zhn.

  • By
  • Zhn

Singleton with one line implementation.


platform :ios, '7.0'
pod "ZHNBaseSingleton"


1. Inherit your class from ZHNBaseSingleton:

.h file:

@interface ChildSingleton : ZHNBaseSingleton


2. Override shared function:

.m file:

@implementation ChildSingleton
+ (instancetype)shared
    return [ChildSingleton sharedByClass:[ChildSingleton class]];

3. Get your instance with shared method:

NSLog(@"%@", [ChildSingleton shared]);

4. Destroy singleton if needed:

[[ChildSingleton shared] destroy];