YFCalendar 0.1.2

YFCalendar 0.1.2

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Aug 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by yangfan.

  • By
  • pushian


Demo Gif


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.



YFCalendar is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "YFCalendar"

How To Use


var calendarView = YFCalendarView()
calendarView.calendarViewDelegate = self

Delegate Functions

  • Set the general color for the date labels based on DateType and DateState.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, setGeneralColor dateType: DateType, dateState: DateState) -> UIColor?
  • Set the general font for the date labels based on DateType and DateState.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, SetGeneralFont dateType: DateType, dateState: DateState) -> UIFont?
  • Set the general border color for the background circle when a date is selected.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, SetSelectionCircleBorderColor dateType: DateType) -> UIColor?
  • Set the general fill color for the background circle when a date is selected.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, SetSelectionCircleFillColor dateType: DateType) -> UIColor?
  • Define whether to automatically select the first day when scroll to a new month.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, autoSelectTheFirstDateOfTheNewMonth mode: SelectionMode) -> Bool
  • Will be called before the new month will be presented in the view.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, willPresentTheMonth theMonth: YFMonthView) -> Void
  • Will be called after the new month has benn presented in the view.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, didPresentTheMonth theMonth: YFMonthView) -> Void
  • Will be called after the date has been selected.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, didSelectADay selectedDay: YFDayView) -> Void
  • Will be called after the date has been deselected.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, didDeselectADay deselectedDay: YFDayView) -> Void
  • Customize the color for the date label for a specific day. This will overwrite the general settings.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, customizeColorForTheDay theDay: YFDayView, dateState: DateState) -> UIColor?
  • Customize the font for the date label for a specific day. This will overwrite the general settings.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, customizeFontForTheDay theDay: YFDayView, dateState: DateState) -> UIFont?
  • Customize the border color for the background circle when a specific date is selected. This will overwrite the general settings.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, customizeSelectionCircleBorderColorForTheDay theDay: YFDayView) -> UIColor?
  • Customize the fill color for the background circle when a specific date is selected. This will overwrite the general settings.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, customizeSelectionCircleFillColorForTheDay theDay: YFDayView) -> UIColor?
  • Customize the date view for a specific day. This will overwrite the general settings.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, customizeContentViewForTheDay theDay: YFDayView, dateState: DateState) -> UIView?
  • Add dots on a specific date during initialization.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, initializeDotsForTheDay theDay: YFDayView) -> [UIColor]?
  • Disable the user interaction for a specific day.
optional func calendarView(calenderView: YFCalendarView, disableUserInteractionForTheDay theDay: YFDayView) -> Bool
  • Set the selection mode for the calendar view. The default value is .Single.
optional func calendarViewSetDateSelectionMode(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> SelectionMode
  • Set the scroll direction for the calendar view. The default value is .Horizontal
optional func calendarViewSetScrollDirection(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CalendarScrollDirection
  • Control the animation for date selection. The default value is true.
optional func calendarViewTurnOnSelectionAnimation(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> Bool
  • If it is set to true, when the user tap on the dates outside of this month, the view will be automatically scrolled to the corresponding month. The default value is true.
optional func calendarViewAutoScrollToTheNewMonthWhenTabTheDateOutsideOfTheCurrentMonth(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> Bool
  • Whether to display the dates outside of the current month. The default value is true.
optional func calendarViewShowDateOutsideOfTheCurrentMonth(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> Bool
  • Whether to automatically select today when the calendar view is initialized. The default value is true.
optional func calendarViewAutoSelectToday(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> Bool
  • Define the raduis for the background circle when a date is selected.
optional func calendarViewSetSelectionCircleRadius(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • Define the border width for the background circle when a date is selected.
optional func calendarViewSetSelectionCircleBorderWidth(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • Define the radius for the small dots added for a date.
optional func calendarViewSetDotMarkRadius(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • Define the y-offset distance of the dots from the center of the date label.
optional func calendarViewSetDotMarkOffsetFromDateCenter(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • Define the distance between two dots.
optional func calendarViewSetDistanceBetweenDots(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • If the slected color of the dot marks is set to be nil, there color of the dot marks in the selection mode will be the same with the unselection mode.
optional func calendarViewSetDotMarkSelectedColor(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> UIColor?
  • Define the color for the top line above the date label.
optional func calendarViewSetTopLineColor(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> UIColor?
  • Define the thickness for the top line above the date label.
optional func calendarViewSetTopLineThickness(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> CGFloat
  • Whether to display the top line above the date label.
optional func calendarViewShowTopLine(calenderView: YFCalendarView) -> Bool


pushian, [email protected]


YFCalendar is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.