XcodeLogger 1.2.2

XcodeLogger 1.2.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2015

Maintained by Razvan Tanase.

Xcode Logger

Xcode Logger is a fast (up to *6x times faster than NSLog and up to 4x times faster than CocoaLumberjack), very simple to use, flexible library which provides scheme dependent, customizable, filterable and colorful NSLog replacements.

*based on synchronous serial tests running on main thread, comparing XLog_NH vs NSLog vs DDLogVerbose, average operation time after 5 runs with 5000 iterations per test, per run on a MacBook Pro Retina. Xcode Logger with colors enabled, CocoaLumberjack with ASL (file logging) and colors disabled. Also, the CocoaLumberjack's DDLogVerbose macro was modified to run synchronously.

Xcode Logger has been tested on iOS 7, 8 and OSX. It requires ARC.


Xcode Logger - Dracula Theme (Dracula color theme by Zeno Rocha)


Xcode Logger provides multiple types of scheme dependent and independent loggers with multiple levels of logging. It ships by default as plug-and-play with the following types of loggers:

  • DLog()  - DEBUG
  • DDLog() - DEBUG and DEVELOPMENT (a shared log type for both schemes)
  • XLog()  - NSLog type (replicates NSLog's behaviour: scheme independent.)

Every log type has the following log levels:

  • Simple logger (ex: XLog())
  • Simple logger without any header information - _NH (ex: XLog_NH())
  • Information logger - _INFO (ex: XLog_INFO())
  • Highlight logger - _IMPORTANT
  • Warning logger - _WARNING
  • Error logger - _ERROR

Extremely easy to use, filterable log levels.

Color Themes with UIColor, NSColor and RGB colors support (Themers, you're needed here!).

Almost every log type and level can be can be customized as follows:

  • Running scheme (except XLog & DDLog types).
  • Log Informations Header (except _NH).
  • NEW Log status description for all log types and levels (except _NH) which can be used as an argument in custom or default headers.
  • Text Color for output (overwrite values from the loaded theme).
  • Background Color for output (overwrite values from the loaded theme).
  • Number of new lines (spaces) between header and output or between output and the next log statement.
  • Timestamp format for timestamp argument in information header.

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How to install


Clone or download the repository and add the Xcode Logger folder and its contents to your project.


  1. Optional: If you want to have color loggers and you don't have the Xcode Colors plugin installed, you will need to install it.

  2. Optional: If you want to use the scheme-dependent loggers, you'll need to create schemes based on your needs and link them with the appropriate logger types (see Scheme linking under How to use). Official information regarding Xcode's schemes can be found here.

  3. Required for #2:In order for Xcode Logger to determine your current scheme, Xcode will need to be able to add a value for a key in your project's Info.plist file when building your project so there are two things you'll need to do: First, create a key entry for a string value in your Info.plist file while leaving the value field empty like in the example below: Info.plist Key Next you'll need to add the following script to your every scheme under Build > Pre-actions. Be sure to select a target from which to build from! Tip: do this before creating any second custom scheme and just duplicate the scheme.

#This script will provide that value at runtime.
#You can change "XLRunningScheme" with whatever key name you wish as long as it matches the one from Info.plist.

/usr/libexec/PlistBuddy -c "Set :XLRunningScheme \"$SCHEME_NAME\"" "$PROJECT_DIR/$INFOPLIST_FILE"       

Add the script to your schema

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How to use

Default Logger

To start using Xcode Logger all you have to do is to #import "XcodeLogger.h" in your classes and use the XLog type logger with all its levels as a replacement for NSLog.

Scheme Linking

To start using scheme-dependent loggers you'll need to do the following (considering you've followed the optional but now-required steps from Setup):

Tell Xcode Logger the name of the key you've defined in your Info.plist and script by calling:

[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] setInfoPlistKeyNameForRunningSchemes:@"XLRunningScheme"];

Link a running scheme name with a logger type:

//Example for setting a scheme for DLog type logger
[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] setBuildSchemeName:@"XL Debug"

XLOGGER_TYPE_DEBUG,             //DLog

That's it!

NOTE: you can't link a scheme with XLOGGER_TYPE_NSLOG_REPLACEMENT or XLOGGER_TYPE_DEBUG_DEVELOPMENT because of their intended purposes. Doing so, will raise an exception.

Log Filters

You can filter single or multiple log levels per class (implementation file) or globally.

You have two options: either use a method and set the implementation file name manually or you can use a convenience macro that greatly simplifies the whole process.

//The following examples will output only warnings and errors

//Example Option 1 
//You can call this almost anywhere (before calling the logs) since you manually set the file name. If you pass nil for file name, the effect will become global.
[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] filterXLogLevels:@[XL_LEVEL_WARNING,XL_LEVEL_ERROR]

//Example Option 2 (LOCAL FILTERS)
//You must call this in the implementation file where you need filters

//Example Option 3 (GLOBAL FILTERS)
//You should call this as early as possible in your app's lifecycle
//Convenience wrappers for XLOGGER_LEVEL_### constants

Header Formatting Options

You can change the default and customize the informations header for any XLOGGER_TYPE and XLOGGER_LEVEL like this:

//NEW: Example for changing the default Log Status Description and Color
[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] setLogHeaderDescription:@"DEVLOG_INFO"
                                               color:[XLColor redColor];

//Example for changing the informations header for DVLog_INFO()
//This will set the header to show the log description and a timestamp followed by the line number
[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] setHeaderForXLogType:XLOGGER_TYPE_DEVELOPMENT

NOTE: you can use XLOGGER_ALL_LEVELS enum to set the same header format for all levels of an XLOGGER_TYPE.


// XL_ARG macros:


NOTE: the default headers contain the following informations (in order):

[Logger_Type_Level](Timestamp)=> [>Callee_Memory_Address<]:Callee_File_Name:[#Line_Number]:[>Callee_Method<]

If you want you can add or remove new lines (spaces) between the header and the log output by calling:

- (void)setNumberOfNewLinesAfterHeader:(NSUInteger)paramNumberOfLines

Or, add or remove new lines (spaces) between the output and the next log statement by calling:

- (void)setNumberOfNewLinesAfterOutput:(NSUInteger)paramNumberOfLines

You can also change the timestamp format by using a valid NSDateFormatter format string and by calling:

//The default is @"HH:mm:ss"
- (void)setTimestampFormat:(NSString *)paramTimestampFormat;

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Color Themes

Xcode Logger - Dusk Theme (Dusk color theme based on Xcode's Dusk Theme)

Xcode Logger - Default Dark Theme (Dark color theme based on Xcode's Midnight Theme)

Xcode Logger - Solarize Dark Theme (Solarize Dark color theme by Jason Brennan)

Xcode Logger - Solarize Light Theme (Solarize Light color theme by Jason Brennan)

Xcode Logger - Default Light Theme (Light color theme based on Xcode's Default Theme)

Xcode Logger uses color themes for its log types and levels. It comes with six default themes and you can very easily create your own.

Different color themes can be used in different classes.

You can check the available themes by calling

- (void)printAvailableColorThemes;

You can load a theme by calling:

//paramColorThemeName is case-insensitive
- (void)loadColorThemeWithName:(NSString *)paramColorThemeName;

For convenience, there are two constants defined for the default themes in XcodeLogger.h:

// YOU'RE INVITED TO ADD(CREATE) MORE HERE AND SEND A PULL REQUEST (check -[printColorThemeCreationInstructions])

XLCT_DEFAULT_LIGHT_THEME  //based on Xcode's Default Theme
XLCT_DEFAULT_DUSK_THEME   //based on Xcode's Dusk Theme
XLCT_DEFAULT_DARK_THEME   //based on Xcode's Midnight Theme
XLCT_SOLARIZE_LIGHT_THEME //Based on Solarize Light Theme by Jason Brennan https://github.com/jbrennan/xcode4themes
XLCT_SOLARIZE_DARK_THEME  //Based on Solarize Dark Theme by Jason Brennan https://github.com/jbrennan/xcode4themes
XLCT_DRACULA_THEME        //Based on Dracula Theme by Zeno Rocha https://github.com/zenorocha/dracula-theme

NOTE: Xcode Logger loads DEFAULT_LIGHT_THEME by default so you don't have to call loadColorThemeWithName: if you're not interested in changing the theme.

Creating Color Themes

All Xcode Logger's themes are defined in XLColorThemes.plist file where you can find two sample themes next to the default ones.

All you have to do is to duplicate those samples, rename and modify them accordingly while preserving the keys for every dictionary except the root dictionary key which is the theme's name.

You can use either RGB values separated by whitespace or ,./-*+ or you can use UIColor/NSColor selectors like this blackColor.

When you add a new theme in XLColorThemes.plist it would be cool if you add a constant for its name like the default ones (please use the XLCT_ prefix).

You also have detailed theme creation instructions by calling:

[[XcodeLogger sharedManager] printColorThemeCreationInstructions];

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Colors Formatting Options

You can enable or disable support for color logs and change the text and background colors of the body of the output (headers excluded) independently of the currently loaded color theme (if it's loaded before making a color change).

By default, colors are enabled but you can change this by calling:

- (void)setColorLogsEnabled:(BOOL)paramEnableColors;

You can set the text color for the output by calling:

//XLColor is a convenience macro for cross platform
//compatibility between iOS (UIColor) and OSX (NSColor)
- (void)setTextColor:(XLColor *)paramTextColor
- (void)setTextColorForXLogType:(XLOGGER_TYPE)paramXLogType

And you can set the background color for the output by calling:

//XLColor is a convenience macro for cross platform
//compatibility between iOS (UIColor) and OSX (NSColor)
- (void)setBackgroundColor:(XLColor *)paramBackgroundColor
- (void)setBackgroundColorForXLogType:(XLOGGER_TYPE)paramXLogType

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Performance Tests

Xcode Logger Performance: Synchronous Tests Xcode Logger Performance: Asynchronous Tests

Xcode Logger comes with a class called XLPerformanceTests. You can use its public methods to test Xcode Logger.

Code Samples

This repository contains code samples for both iOS and OSX.
These are GREAT to see and test some examples for uses of Xcode Logger.
You can find them in the master folder after cloning or downloading the repository.


Version 1.2.1:

  • Added a global filter option through the XL_FILTER_GLOBAL_LEVELS macro
  • A minor addition to XLogObject class which isn't used at this moment (the dealloc method)

Version 1.2.0:

  • More refactoring
  • _HIGHLIGHT log level renamed to _IMPORTANT
  • Fixed some issues regarding Logs Header Descriptions
  • Deprecated setLogHeaderDescription:forLogType:level:
  • New method setLogHeaderDescription:forLogType:level:color:
  • New & Updated Color Themes
  • Added the option to set the same header format for all Log Types for a given level
  • Added the option to set the same log header description for all Log Types for a given level
  • Added the option to set the same text color for all Log Types for a given level
  • Added the option to set the same background color for all Log Types for a given level
  • Other minor improvements
  • Fixed other issues throughout the library

Version 1.1.1:

  • LOTS & LOTS of refactoring!
  • Log Filters
  • Color Themes
  • UIColor / NSColor support
  • Log status description customization options

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This library was created and made open-source by Razvan Tanase.

You can also find me on Twitter @razvan_tanase.

I highly appreciate any feedback, positive and/or constructive so I can improve this project.


Solarize Light & Dark themes based on the work of Jason Brennan https://github.com/jbrennan/xcode4themes.
Dracula theme based on the work of Zeno Rocha https://github.com/zenorocha/dracula-theme.


You're more than welcome to contribute to this project! When you have a change you’d like to see in the master repository, please send a pull request.

The MIT License (MIT) Copyright © 2015 Razvan Tanase (Codebringers Software).