XCUITestsAdditions 1.1

XCUITestsAdditions 1.1

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2016

Maintained by Dominique Stranz.

XCUITestsAdditions provides simple methods that may help you in everyday work with XCode UI Tests.


Before use import XCTestCase+WaitingForElement.h in your XCTestCase file.

Waiting for UI element with 15 seconds timeout

XCUIElement button = app.buttons["TestButton"];
[self waitForElement:button];

Waiting for UI element with custom timeout

XCUIElement button = app.buttons["TestButton"];
[self waitForElement:button withTimeout:60];

Waiting for hittable UI element with 15 seconds timeout

XCUIElement button = app.buttons["TestButton"];
[self waitForElementHittable:button];

Waiting for hittable UI element with custom timeout

XCUIElement button = app.buttons["TestButton"];
[self waitForElementHittable:button withTimeout:60];


Pod is designed to use with UI Tests (available in XCode 7)


XCUITestsAdditions is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

target "UITestTarget" do
    pod "XCUITestsAdditions"

Pod should be added only to UITests target. Replace UITestTarget with your target name.


XCUITestsAdditions is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.