WARangeSlider 1.2.0

WARangeSlider 1.2.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2023
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by William Archimede, William Archimede.

  • By
  • William Archimede



A simple range slider made in Swift.



This control is IBDesignable and uses the target-action pattern for change notifications.

In order to be notified when either thumb value changes, register for .ValueChanged:

let rangeSlider = RangeSlider(frame: frame)
rangeSlider.addTarget(self, action: "rangeSliderValueChanged:",
                  forControlEvents: .ValueChanged)


The range slider can be customized and information can be accessed through these properties :

  • minimumValue : The minimum possible value of the range
  • maximumValue : The maximum possible value of the range
  • lowerValue : The value corresponding to the left thumb current position
  • upperValue : The value corresponding to the right thumb current position
  • trackTintColor : The track color
  • trackHighlightTintColor : The color of the section of the track located between the two thumbs
  • thumbTintColor: The thumb color
  • thumbBorderColor: The thumb border color
  • thumbBorderWidth: The width of the thumb border
  • curvaceousness : From 0.0 for square thumbs to 1.0 for circle thumbs


RangeSlider is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile :

pod "WARangeSlider"


William Archimede


RangeSlider is available under the MIT License

If you use it and like it, let me know: @warchimede