VVRouter 0.1.2

VVRouter 0.1.2

Maintained by momo13014, shendong.

VVRouter 0.1.2


CI Status Version License Platform

Getting Started

VVRouter is a URL routing library with protocol, It is designed to make it very easy to jump to any viewController。Use regular matching to bind rules and viewController

Router.open(url: "/pageDetail/1234567")

Global configuration

Router.registerRouters(dictionary: ["/blue": BlueViewController.self,
                                    "/red/(\\d+)": RedViewController.self,
                                    "/yellow/(\\S+)": YellowViewController.self])

or you can use enum :

enum RouterUrl : String {
    case demo = "/demo"
    case blue = "/blue"
    case red  = "/red/(\\d+)"
    case yellow = "/yellow/(\\S+)"
Router.registerRouters(dictionary: [RouterUrl.demo.rawValue: DemoViewController.self,
                                    RouterUrl.blue.rawValue: BlueViewController.self,
                                    RouterUrl.red.rawValue: RedViewController.self,
                                    RouterUrl.yellow.rawValue: YellowViewController.self])

If you want a default rootViewController to push, you can set like below:

Router.shared.rootVC = self.window?.rootViewController


All ViewController support VVRouter must confim VVRouterProtocol

extension YellowViewController: RouterProtocol {
    static func router(url: String, params: [AnyObject]) -> UIViewController? {
        if url == "/yellow/(\\S+)" {
            let yellowVC = YellowViewController()
            if let bookname = params[1] as? String {
                yellowVC.bookname = bookname
            return yellowVC
        return YellowViewController()


Router.open(url:URL(string: "ssr://yellow/welcome")!)
Router.open(url:"ssr://yellow/welcome", from: self.navigationController)
Router.open(url:"ssr://yellow/welcome", from: self.navigationController, actionType: .push)

The default open action type is push, also support present

Supprt UIApplication open

func application(_ app: UIApplication, open url: URL, options: [UIApplicationOpenURLOptionsKey : Any] = [:]) -> Bool {
    return Router.open(url: url)

For some routes that need to be handled by yourself, you can intercept by VVRouterDelegate

func interceptRouter(url: URLConvertible) -> Bool {
    // do some stuff
    return true


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


VVRouter require iOS 9.0. swift_version: 5.0


VVRouter is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'VVRouter'


[email protected]


VVRouter is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.