UrsusAtom 1.2.4

UrsusAtom 1.2.4

Maintained by Daniel Clelland.

UrsusAtom 1.2.4

  • By
  • Daniel Clelland

Ursus Atom

A library for manipulating Urbit atoms and auras.


Ursus Atom grants support for the urbit phonetic base, useful for representing Azimuth points ('ships'):

let ship = try! PatP(string: "~lanrus-rinfep")
let point = Int(ship) // 328448

There is an Aura protocol with an associated type Atom which can be any UnsignedInteger type, but in practice we use BigUInt types.

Current implementations:

  • PatP (@p)
  • PatQ (@q)
  • PatUV (@uv)


Ursus Atom can be installed using Cocoapods by adding the following line to your podfile:

pod 'UrsusAtom', '~> 1.2'

I can probably help set up Carthage or Swift Package Manager support if you need it.

Todo list

Things that would make this codebase nicer:

  • Additional atom and aura types; the date format would be a good candidate.
  • Unit tests for the cryptographic methods in PhoneticBaseObfuscator (ported from urbit-hob).
  • Better documentation/examples.

Other utilities
