UIScreen_YJ 0.0.2

UIScreen_YJ 0.0.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2016

Maintained by huang-kun.

  • By
  • huang-kun



If you have seen a self-defined macro like this:

#define iPhone6 CGSizeEqualToSize([UIScreen mainScreen].currentMode.size, CGSizeMake(750, 1334))

It's maybe not a good idea to define a device version by it's screen pixel size, because when your iPhone6 is being a display zoom mode (which can be changed in settings), the screen pixel size is 640x1136 as same as iPhone5. So using this macro is not correct.

When you design a interface that specifically for iPhone6, yon don't need to know it's really an iPhone6 because the information you need is the screen resolution.

Here is a solution:

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIScreenDisplayResolution) {
    // iPhone (includes iPod Touch)
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel320x480,       // older type
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel640x960,       // 4, 4s
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel640x1136,      // 5, 5s, 6(display zoom), 6s(display zoom), SE 1
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel750x1334,      // 6, 6s
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel1125x2001,     // 6+(display zoom), 6s+(display zoom)
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel1242x2208,     // 6+, 6s+
    // iPad
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel768x1024,      // 1, 2, mini 1
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel1536x2048,     // 3, 4, Air(1, 2) mini(2, 3, 4), Pro 2<9.7-inch>
    UIScreenDisplayResolutionPixel2048x2732,     // Pro (1, 2<12.9-inch>)

Pick up an option, then use it for a lot of devices.


There is another type of enum which may help you out for convenience screen display aspect ratio calculation.

typedef NS_ENUM(NSInteger, UIScreenDisplayAspectRatio) {
    UIScreenDisplayAspectRatio_3_2,             // 3:2
    UIScreenDisplayAspectRatio_4_3,             // 4:3
    UIScreenDisplayAspectRatio_16_9,            // 16:9


UIScreen_YJ is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "UIScreen_YJ"


huang-kun, [email protected]


UIScreen_YJ is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.