Task 1.2

Task 1.2

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Feb 2017

Maintained by Duncan Lewis, Cocoapods Admin, Prachi Gauriar.

Task 1.2

  • By
  • Ticketmaster


Task is a simple Cocoa framework for expressing and executing your application’s workflows. Using Task, you need only express each step in your workflow — called tasks — and what their prerequisite tasks are. After that, the framework handles the mechanics of executing the steps in the correct order with the appropriate level of concurrency, letting you know when tasks finish or fail. It also makes it easy to cancel tasks, retry failed tasks, and re-run previously completed tasks and workflows.


  • Simple, well-documented API that is at home in both Swift and Objective-C
  • Flexible system for expressing your app’s workflows in a clear, concise manner
  • Powerful execution system that allows you to easily manage your workflow’s execution
    • Tasks are started as soon as all their prerequisites have finished successfully
    • Tasks that have no cross-dependencies are executed concurrently
    • Tasks and their dependents can be easily cancelled or retried
    • Tasks that previously finished successfully can be reset and re-run
  • Strong task state reporting so that you know when a task succeeds, fails, or is cancelled
  • Block and selector tasks for creating tasks that execute a block or method
  • External condition tasks for representing prerequisite user interaction or other external conditions that must be fulfilled before work can continue
  • Subworkflow tasks for executing whole workflows as a single step in a workflow
  • Easy-to-extend API for creating your own reusable tasks
  • Works with all of Apple’s platforms

What’s New in 1.2

Task 1.2 updates Task to work better with Swift 3. Objective-C APIs have been annotated with nullability specifiers and generics, and the sample project and README have been updated to use Swift instead of Objective-C.


The easiest way to start using Task is to install it with CocoaPods.

pod 'Task', '~> 1.2'

You can also build it and include the built products in your project. For OS X and iOS 8, just add Task.framework to your project. For older versions of iOS, add Task’s public headers to your header search path and link in libTask.a, all of which can be found in the project’s build output directory.

Using Task

The Task framework makes it easy to express your app’s workflows and manage the various tasks within them. There are two types of objects in the framework: TSKTasks represent the individual steps in a workflow, while TSKWorkflows represent the workflows themselves. Tasks are defined by the work they do and their current state; workflows are defined by the tasks they contain and the relationships between them. Tasks are not particularly useful without workflows.

While TSKTask and TSKWorkflow seem similar to NSOperation and NSOperationQueue, they represent very different concepts. Operations model single executions of work, with operation queues controlling the order and concurrency of those executions. Operations don’t model the concepts of success and failure, and they can’t be retried or re-run. Operations are essentially transient: their usefulness ends as soon as they’re done executing.

Tasks, on the other hand, model the concept of work. Even after a task executes, its status can be checked and it can be re-executed. The expectation is that you create tasks, start executing them at the appropriate time, monitor their progress, and re-run or retry them as necessary. Workflows help you to organize your work, providing a central object that describes the work that needs to be done and the order it must be done in.

Modeling Workflows

To model a workflow with Task, you first need to create a workflow object. Each workflow can be initialized with a name — useful when debugging — and an operation queue on which the workflow’s tasks run. If you don’t provide a queue, one will be created for you, which is what we do below:

let workflow = TSKWorkflow(name:"Workflow")

Once you’ve created a workflow, you need to create tasks that represent your work and add them to your workflow. Each task is represented by a TSKTask instance. Before exploring the specifics of the Task class hierarchy further, let’s look at how to create workflows with various task configurations.

The simplest non-empty workflow contains a single task:

┌───────────┐        ╔═══════════╗        ┌──────────┐
│   Start   │───────>║     A     ║───────>│  Finish  │
└───────────┘        ╚═══════════╝        └──────────┘

In this workflow, task A is the lone task, with no prerequisites. Creating it is trivial:

let workflow = TSKWorkflow("Workflow A")
let taskA: TSKTask = 
workflow.add(taskA, prerequisites: nil)

When we’re ready to run the workflow, we can send it the ‑start message. This will in turn start taskA, and once it finishes successfully, the workflow will finish. We can make this workflow slightly more complex by adding a second task B, which only runs if A finishes successfully.

┌───────────┐        ╔═══════════╗        ╔═══════════╗        ┌──────────┐
│   Start   │───────>║     A     ║───────>║     B     ║───────>│  Finish  │
└───────────┘        ╚═══════════╝        ╚═══════════╝        └──────────┘

Here, successful completion of A is a prerequisite to run B, presumably because B depends on the result or some side-effect of running A. Modeling this workflow in code is straightforward:

let workflow = TSKWorkflow("Workflow A+B")
let taskA: TSKTask = 
let taskB: TSKTask = 
workflow.add(taskA, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskB, prerequisites: [taskA])

When executing this workflow, Task.framework will automatically run taskA first and start taskB when taskA finishes successfully. But what if B didn’t depend on A?

                ┌───>║     A     ║───┐               
                │    ╚═══════════╝   │               
┌───────────┐   │                    │    ┌──────────┐
│   Start   │───┤                    ├───>│  Finish  │
└───────────┘   │                    │    └──────────┘
                │    ╔═══════════╗   │               
                └───>║     B     ║───┘               

We need only change our code above so that B doesn’t list A as a prerequisite.

let workflow = TSKWorkflow("Workflow AB")
let taskA: TSKTask = 
let taskB: TSKTask = 
workflow.add(taskA, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskB, prerequisites: nil)

With this simple change, Task.framework will run taskA and taskB concurrently. Easy enough. Now, suppose there’s some third task C that can only run when A and B are both done executing.

                ┌──>║     A     ║───┐                                   
                │   ╚═══════════╝   │                                   
┌───────────┐   │                   │   ╔═══════════╗       ┌──────────┐
│   Start   │───┤                   ├──>║     C     ║──────>│  Finish  │
└───────────┘   │                   │   ╚═══════════╝       └──────────┘
                │   ╔═══════════╗   │                                   
                └──>║     B     ║───┘                                   

Again, this is simple to express:

let workflow = TSKWorkflow("Workflow AB+C")
let taskA: TSKTask = 
let taskB: TSKTask = 
let taskC: TSKTask = 
workflow.add(taskA, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskB, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskC, prerequisites: [taskA, taskB])

When run, the workflow will automatically run tasks A and B concurrently, but only start C after both A and B finish successfully. If either A or B fails, C won’t be run. If we changed our workflow so that C depended on B, but not A, we’d get a workflow that looks like this:

                ┌────────────>║     A     ║─────────────┐               
                │             ╚═══════════╝             │               
┌───────────┐   │                                       │   ┌──────────┐
│   Start   │───┤                                       ├──>│  Finish  │
└───────────┘   │                                       │   └──────────┘
                │   ╔═══════════╗       ╔═══════════╗   │               
                └──>║     B     ║──────>║     C     ║───┘               
                    ╚═══════════╝       ╚═══════════╝                   

By now, you can probably guess what our code would look like:

let workflow = TSKWorkflow("Workflow A(B+C)")
let taskA: TSKTask = 
let taskB: TSKTask = 
let taskC: TSKTask = 
workflow.add(taskA, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskB, prerequisites: nil)
workflow.add(taskC, prerequisites: [taskB])

Again, Task.framework manages the mechanics of executing tasks so that tasks are run with maximal concurrency as soon as their prerequisite tasks have finished successfully. When building workflows, you just tell the framework what tasks need to be run and what each task’s prerequisites are. Of course, the framework also needs to know what code should be executed when you run a task. Let’s take a look at that next.

Creating Tasks

Every task is an instance of TSKTask, with its work being executed by the instance’s main() method. Unfortunately, TSKTask is an abstract class, so its main() method doesn’t actually do anything. To make a task that does real work, you either need to subclass TSKTask and override its main() method, or use TSKBlockTask and TSKSelectorTask, which allow you to wrap a block or method invocation in a task, respectively.

Subclassing makes sense if you need to repeatedly run tasks that perform the same type of work. For example, if your app repeatedly breaks an image into multiple tiles and then processes those tiles in the same way, you might create a TSKTask subclass called ProcessImageTileTask that can be executed on each tile concurrently. Your subclass would override main() to perform your work and, if successful, invoke finish(with:) on itself to indicate that the work was successful. If you couldn’t complete the processing work due to some error, you would instead invoke fail(with:).

class ProcessImageTileTask : TSKTask {
    override func main() {
        do {
            // Process image data 
            let result = try process(imageData, rect: tileRect)
            finish(with: result)
        } catch {
            fail(with: error)


For smaller one-off tasks, you can use TSKBlockTask. TSKBlockTask instances execute a block to perform their work. The block takes a single TSKTask parameter, to which you should send finish(with:) on success and fail(with:) on failure. The block task below runs an imaginary API request and invokes finish(with:) and fail(with:) in the API request’s success and failure blocks, respectively.

func setUpWorkflow() {

    let blockTask = TSKBlockTask(name: "API Request") { [weak self] task in 
        weak?.execute(request, success: { response in 
            task.finish(with: response)
        }, failure: { error in
            task.fail(with: error)

    workflow.add(blockTask, prerequisites: [requestTask])


We can similarly create a task that performs a selector using TSKSelectorTask. The selector takes a single TSKTask parameter. As you could probably guess, the method must invoke finish(with:) on success and fail(with:) on failure. In the example below, we create the selector task and set its prerequisite to blockTask from above. In our task method, we read the prerequisite task’s result and use that as input for our work.

func setUpWorkflow() {

    let mappingTask TSKSelectorTask(name: "Map API Result", 
                                    target: self, 
                                    selector: #selector(mapRequestResult(from:)))

    workflow.add(mappingTask, prerequisites: [requestTask])


@objc func mapRequestResult(from task: TSKTask) {
    guard let jsonResponse = task.anyPrerequisiteResult as? [String:Any] else {
        task.fail(with: )

    do {
        let mappedObjectID = try map(jsonResponse, into: managedObjectContext)
        task.finish(with: mappedObjectID)
    } catch {
        task.fail(with: error)

Again, the work that the task is actually doing is imaginary, but you get the idea.

There are two other built-in TSKTask subclasses: TSKExternalConditionTask and TSKSubworkflowTask. Instances of the former do no real work, but instead gate progress in a workflow until some external condition is fulfilled. This is ideal for tasks that require some user input before being able to run. For example, suppose a REST API call requires user data as a parameter. You could represent the API call as a TSKTask, and create an external condition task as a prerequisite:

let inputTask = TSKExternalConditionTask(name: "Get input")
workflow.add(inputTask, prerequisites: nil)

let requestTask: TSKTask =  
workflow.add(requestTask, prerequisites: [inputTask])

// When the user has entered in their input
inputTask.fulfill(with: userSuppliedData)

In this example, when the external condition task is fulfilled, the API request task automatically starts.

TSKSubworkflowTask is a task that executes an entire workflow as its unit of work. This can be useful when composing complex workflows of several simpler ones:

let imageWorkflow = TSKWorkflow(name: "Upload Image")
let imageAvailableTask = TSKExternalConditionTask()
let filterWorkflow = workflow(for: imagefilter)
let filterTask = TSKSubworkflowTask(subworkflow: filterWorkflow)
let uploadImageTask = UploadDataTask()

imageWorkflow.add(imageAvailableTask, prerequisites: nil)
imageWorkflow.add(filterTask, prerequisitesTasks: [imageAvailableTask])
imageWorkflow.add(uploadImageTask, prerequisites: [filterTask])

Getting Results from Prerequisite Tasks

When tasks finish successfully, they can finish with a result — an object that represents the final result of their work. Quite commonly, tasks use the results of their prerequisite tasks to perform additional work. For example, a workflow for executing a RESTful API call might include a task that sends an HTTP request and converts the response bytes into JSON, followed by a task that maps the first task’s resulting JSON object into a model object. Task.framework provides numerous methods for accessing a task’s prerequisite results.

In the simplest case, a task doesn’t use its prerequisites’ results at all; the task simply runs its main() method with no dependency on its prerequisites’ output. A very slightly more complex case occurs when a task has only one prerequisite and depends on its result. In this case, the task can simply invoke anyPrerequisiteResult() on itself to get the result of one of its prerequisites. Since the task has only one prerequisite, this is equivalent to getting the result of that single prerequisite.

A task may also aggregate the results of its prerequisites uniformly. For example, a workflow might break some data set into chunks, process each of those chunks in separate tasks, and then combine the results of those tasks in a final task. In cases like these, a task can invoke allPrerequisiteResults() on itself to get an array of all its prerequisite results and process them uniformly.

Sometimes, tasks need to use the results of multiple prerequisite in varied ways. For this purpose, Task.framework has the concept of keyed prerequisites. Keyed prerequisites allow a task to assign unique keys to its prerequisites with which they can be referred later. Tasks can define their keyed prerequisites using TSKWorkflow.add(_:keyedPrerequisites:) or TSKWorkflow.add(_:prerequisites:keyedPrerequisites:). In both cases, the keyedPrerequisites parameter is a dictionary that maps a key to its associated task. The result of a given keyed prerequisite can be retrieved by sending a task prerequisiteResult(forKey:).

For example, suppose a task were added to a workflow as follows:

workflow.add(task, keyedPrerequisites: ["userTask": task1, "addressTask": task2])

The task can easily refer to the results of task1 and task2, e.g., in its main() method like so:

override func main() {
    guard let user = prerequisiteResult(forKey: "userTask") as? User, 
        let address = prerequisiteResult(forKey: "addressTask") as? Address else {

    user.address = address


Furthermore, if a task cannot function without certain keyed prerequisites, it can specify that to Task.framework by overriding requiredPrerequisiteKeys. The TSKTask subclass in our example above might override that method as follows:

var requiredPrerequisiteKeys: Set<AnyHashable> {
    return ["userTask", "addressTask"]

If subclasses override this method and return a non-empty set, TSKWorkflow will ensure that the required prerequisite keys have corresponding tasks when the task is added to a workflow. For convenience, TSKBlockTask and TSKSelectorTask can have their required prerequisite keys set during initialization.

Changing the Execution State of Tasks

Once you have a task workflow set up, you can start executing it by sending the workflow the start() message. This will find all tasks in the workflow that have no prerequisite tasks and start them. If you subsequently wish to cancel a task (or a whole workflow), you can send it the cancel() message. Retrying failed tasks is as simple as sending them the retry() message, and if you wish to reset a successfully finished task so that you can re-run it, send it the reset() message. As alluded to earlier, tasks propagate these messages down to their dependents, which propagate them to their dependents, and so on, so that, e.g., cancelling a task also cancels all of its dependent tasks.

Being Notified of Task Completion, Failure, or Cancellation

Every task has an optional delegate that it can notify of success, failure, or cancellation. If you’re interested in these events for an entire workflow, you can be a workflow’s delegate. Workflow delegates receive messages when all the tasks in a workflow are complete and when a single task in a workflow fails or is cancelled.

More Info

Task.framework is fully documented, so if you’d like more information about how a class works, take a look at the class header. Also, the Example-iOS subdirectory contains a fairly involved example that includes a custom TSKTask subclass, external conditions, and task workflow delegate methods. In particular, WorkflowViewController.initializeWorkflow() is a great place to experiment with your own task workflow configurations, whose progress can be visualized by running the example app.

Contributing, Filing Bugs, and Requesting Enhancements

If you would like to help fix bugs or add features to Task, send us a pull request!

We use GitHub issues for bugs, enhancement requests, and the limited support we provide, so open an issue for any of those.


All code is licensed under the MIT license. Do with it as you will.