Swipey 0.11

Swipey 0.11

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Zeke Abuhoff.

Swipey 0.11

  • By
  • Ezekiel Abuhoff


Swipey is a simple swipe card library by Zeke Abuhoff. By swipe card library, I mean it provides a UI element that can be swiped. You know: like on Tinder.

Sample Project

To see Swipey in action right away, check out the sample project included in this repo.


Swipey provides two UIView subclasses to build your swipe interface: SwipeCard and SwipeDeck. Each SwipeCard instance is an item that can be swiped one or the other by the user. The SwipeDeck is the element that contains several cards and manages which one is currently displayed.

To get started, you can instantiate a SwipeDeck in code or in Interface Builder, just like any UIView subclass.

let swipeDeck = SwipeDeck(frame: CGRect(x: 20, y: 20, width: 300, height: 300))

In order to determine what card to display, the SwipeDeck instance relies on a delegate, much like UITableView.

swipeDeck.delegate = self

Whatever object is set as the delegate, that object must conform to the SwipeDeckDelegate protocol. That protocol includes four delegate methods.

// The SwipeDeck will call the method below to determine how many cards are in the deck.
func numberOfCards(swipeDeck: SwipeDeck) -> Int {
    // Return the number of cards you'll need for your swipe deck
    return 5

// The SwipeDeck will call the method below whenever it needs to display a new card.
func cardFor(index: Int, swipeDeck: SwipeDeck) -> SwipeCard {
    // Produce a swipe card, like dequeueing a table view cell
    let swipeCard = swipeDeck.produceSwipeCard()
    // Customize the swipe card
    swipeCard.backgroundColor = UIColor.blue
    // Return the swipe card
    return swipeCard

// The SwipeDeck will call the method below when the user swipes in a positive direction.
func positiveSwipe(swipeDeck: SwipeDeck) {
    // React to a positive swipe
    print("positive swipe")

// The SwipeDeck will call the method below when the user swipes in a negative direction.
func negativeSwipe(swipeDeck: SwipeDeck) {
    // React to a negative swipe
    print("negative swipe")

Once you’ve defined the delegate methods and set the deck’s delegate, the deck will automatically display whatever the delegate methods specify.


MIT License