SwiftyDevice 1.0.2

SwiftyDevice 1.0.2

Maintained by Damien Legrand.


Version License Platform


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


Tested on:

  • Xcode 9
  • Swift 4.1


SwiftyDevice is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'SwiftyDevice'


To use SwiftyDevice import it :

import SwiftyDevice

And in the code :

/// Get information about the current device

let device = Device.currentDevice

print("Device family name : \(device.family.rawValue)") // Device family name : iPad Pro 10.5" (Wi-Fi)
print("Device release date : \(device.releaseDate)") // Device release date : 06/05/2017

/// Or get information about another device with the codename

let otherDevice = Device.device(with: "iPhone9,4") // otherDevice.family == DeviceFamily.iPhone7Plus

See the list of supported devices : Supported Devices


The Devices.plist, DeviceFamily.swift and Devices.md files are generated automatically from another target in the project, HardwareParser. To add new devices in the project, simply run the HardwareParser scheme on the mac, and the two files will be updated with the data from www.everymac.com.


Damien Legrand


SwiftyDevice is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.