Swiftizy 1.3.9

Swiftizy 1.3.9

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Sep 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Julien.

Swiftizy 1.3.9

  • By
  • Julien Henrard


What’s Swiftizy

Swiftizy is a big help to develop Swift application using CoreData and consume REST service.


A lot of easy method for fetching, create, delete, predicate, and a PrimaryKey system.


Make GET, POST and DELETE easily


Just one line to convert your JSON in NSManagedObject subclass. No need to define key for each attributes.

Typical type of application using Swiftizy:

  1. You use CoreData and NSManagedObject subclass

  2. You consume a REST service sending JSON and/or you want POST some JSON object on your server

  3. You want to write the JSON object in your CoreData context with some control on these

  4. You need to translate your app.

Future features

In the next version (1.3) will add:

Improvement of existing features

  • You will be able to choose a mode in the JSON parser for each relationship of your NSManagedObject: CreateElseReturn or CreateElseUpdate

New features

  • Migration manager for CoreData


Swiftizy is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "Swiftizy"



import Swiftizy


To use the CoreDataManager, you need first to create your own CoreData stack, declare it in AppDelegate and give your managed context to the CoreDataManager in the

lazy var coreDataStack = CoreDataStack()

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    CoreDataManager.managedContext = coreDataStack.context
    return true;


First, you need to initialize your Translations system with the good language. If you allow manually language change in your app, just call again ‘initialize’ method with new value.

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    Translations.initialize(defaultLang: "en", currentLang: "fr")
    return true;

After, in some controller, you can easily translate yours components

labelSignIn.text = Translations.translate("label_sign_in")

You just need to write the traduction file for each language you want in your app.

Example: en.txt (English)

labelSignIn=Sign in


Example: fr.txt (French)




The PlistReader is a simple class for read a properties list. You need to init the PlistReader with the file you want read and execute the getField method for get your value

This work only with String field for the moment, it’s used for save some information like a webservice url or something else.

Example: properties.plist

func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool {
    plistReader(plistFileName: "properties")
    // Get my rest URL
    print("Your url: \(PlistReader.getField("url")!)")
    return true;


Example project

You can clone the project on your desktop and open it for get the example project. Once open, just swap your project on “Swiftizy_example” instead “Swiftizy” alt tag

When you launch the app, you have 5 steps. Execute it in order:

  1. Get books from OpenLibrary API, with createElseReturn method: create object in CoreData if they dont, else return the object.

  2. Verify everything is OK

  3. Vizualize in the tableview your date: touch a row for more informations

  4. Change an attribute of each book (All number_of_pages will be 10)

  5. Get same book from step 1, but with createElseUpdate method: create object in CoreData, else update the object with the value in Json

Some informations will be displayed in the logs


When the configuration is complete and your datamodel / subclass are create, you can use the CoreDataManager: a static class who provide you a lot of method for CoreData

let newUser = CoreDataManager.Create.entity("User") as! User
newUser.firstname = "Jhon"

You create with a verification if one attribute exist for dont duplicate same object. If exist, return nil

CoreDataManager.Create.exceptIfStringMatch("User", attributeName: "firstname", attributeValue: "Jhon")
Simple fetching
let users: [User] = CoreDataManager.Fetch.all("User") as! [User]

With a define predicate

let users: [User] = CoreDataManager.Fetch.equalString("User", attributeName: "firstname", attributeValue: "Jhon") as [User]

Fetching with yours predicates (and descriptors if needed)

let predicate: NSPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "age = %d", 27)
let predicate2: NSPredicate = NSPredicate(format: "firstname = %@", "Jhon")
let predicates: NSCompoundPredicate = NSCompoundPredicate(andPredicateWithSubpredicates: [predicate, predicate2])
let users: [User] = CoreDataManager.Fetch.custom("User", descriptors: nil, predicate: predicates) as! [User]
Ascending / Descending
CoreDataManager.Fetch.orderBy("User", orderBy: "firstname", ascending: true)

Batch delete


Delete one

let user = CoreDataManager.Fetch.all("User")[0] as! User

Delete many

let users = CoreDataManager.Fetch.all("User") as! [User]



HTTP request with JsonParser/ObjectParser


JsonParser give you one method to consume some Json and directly create the managedObject and put information correctly in your object. As all Json parser, you just need the name of attributes of your entity match with the json file. You can associate this with a GET request to get all book from a library. Use the RestManager to perform a GET request. You have different version of the GET request, take the good version you need.

let url = "http://mywebservice.com/rest/book/all"
RestManager.GET(url, withBehaviorResponseForArray: {(books, error) in
    if error == nil {
        for book in books {
            // For return the object if already in CoreData (based on the primary key)
            let myBook = JsonParser.jsonToManagedObject(object, createElseReturn: Book.self)
            // For update the object with values in json if object is already in CoreData
            let myBook = JsonParser.jsonToManagedObject(object, createElseUpdate: Book.self)

Object Parser can parse a managedObject in jsonString. You can combine that with a POST method. You use the POST method, or the POST_SYNCRO, if you want synchronous request. If the post response with some JSON, you get the response in a dictionary, like for a GET request. If response is not in json, the data is convert in string and be accessible with the key “dataString”. Swiftizy have a loot of extension for string. Here, the POST response with a BOOLEAN, so you can use the .toBool() method in the dataString.

let url= "http://mywebservice.com/rest/book/post"
let aBook = CoreDataManager.fetchWithPredicateWithString("Book", attributeName: "title", attributeValue: "Harry Potter")[0] as! User
let jsonBook = ObjectParser.convertToJsonString(aBook)
RestManager.POST(url, jsonToPost: jsonBook, responseHandler: {(response, error) in
    if error == nil {
        if (response["dataString"] as! String).toBool() {
        } else {
            print("Post Failed, server return false)")


Julien Henrard, [email protected]


Swiftizy is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.