SwiftSynchronized 1.0.1

SwiftSynchronized 1.0.1

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Mar 2016
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Jed Lewison.

  • By
  • Jed Lewison


SwiftSynchronized provides synchronized, a global public function that serves as a Swift-substitute for Objective-C’s @synchronized directive. It also adds a performAndWait extension to NSLock and NSRecursiveLock.

Usage: Executing a critical section of code

Using synchronized:

synchronized(self) {
    // Critical section

Using NSLock and NSRecursiveLock:

lock.performAndWait {
    // Critical section

Usage: Returning/setting value

Using synchronized:

var _privateStorage: String // The actual private storage

var threadSafeAccessor: String { // A thread safe accessor
    get { return synchronized(self, _privateStorage) }
    set { synchronized(self, _privateStorage = newValue) }

Using NSLock and NSRecursiveLock:

let lock = NSLock() // Or NSRecursiveLock()
var _privateStorage: String // The actual private storage

var threadSafeAccessor: String { // A thread safe accessor
    get { return lock.performAndWait(_privateStorage) }
    set { lock.performAndWait(_privateStorage = newValue) }


To install via CocoaPods:

pod 'SwiftSynchronized'

Don’t forget to:

import SwiftSynchronized

somewhere in your project.

You can also use Carthage, or simply add SwiftSynchronized.swift directly to your project.


Unlike Objective-C’s @synchronized, Swift synchronized does not handle exceptions.


1.0.0 – Added support for autoclosures which allows improved syntax for return values and extension for NSLock and NSRecursiveLock. Also added Carthage support and support for multiple platforms in CocoaPods. 0.0.1 – Initial release