SwiftMediaContentHandler 1.0.6

SwiftMediaContentHandler 1.0.6

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License Custom
ReleasedLast Release May 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Hai Pham.

Depends on:
SDWebImage/WebP>= 0
SwiftUtilities/Main>= 0

  • By
  • Hai Pham


Media Content Handler for PHPhotoLibrary. Based on RxSwift.

This library provides two main convenient classes that abstract most of the work needed to handle media fetching in iOS development:


This class provides methods to load various types of media from multiple sources. For example, to load an image from a PHAsset, specify a request of type LocalImageRequest, such as:


And then pass it to a MediaHandler instance as follows:



This class provides a convenient Observable to load local PHAsset instances. Simply feed it with the MediaType (.image, .audio, .video) and the MediaCollectionType (.album, .smartAlbum, .moment), one by one or as an Array, subscribe to LocalMediaDatabase.mediaObservable and call LocalMediaDatabase.loadInitialAlbums() to start receiving updates. If PHPhotoLibrary permission has yet to be granted, it will automatically ask the user to do so.

For example:

let mediaDatabase = LocalMediaDatabase.builder() .add(mediaTypes: .image, .audio, .video) .add(collectionTypes: .album, .smartAlbum, .moment) .build()

And then subscribe to the listener Observable:


Finally, load initial albums and set up the Change Observer:


If permission is denied at this stage, an Error will be thrown.


This library requires CocoaPods. Please use:

pod ‘SwiftMediaContentHandler’

for the appropriate build targets.


Please visit TestApplication-iOS [https://github.com/protoman92/TestApplication-iOS.git] for a quick demonstration (esp. GalleryController).