Swifaults 1.0.0

Swifaults 1.0.0

Maintained by Oren Farhan.

Swifaults 1.0.0


Version License Platform

About Swifaults

UserDefaults, the generic way.

Swifaults is a wrapper around UserDefaults, leveraging generics to provide a type safe, simple and clear interface.


Usually, when you want to save a value to UserDefaults you'd do something like this:

let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
defaults.set("My value", for: "My key")

and for loading:

let defaults = UserDefaults.standard
let value = defaults.string(forKey: "My key")

Swifaults allows a clearer usage.

For saving:

let defaults = Defaults<String>(key: "My key")
defaults.save("My value")

and for loading:

let defaults = Defaults<String>(key: "My key")
let value = defaults.value() // value is a `String?`

It's also possible to provide a fallback to a default value in case that the value doesn't exist:

enum UserState: Int {
    case anonymous
    case loggedIn
    case premium

let defaults = Defaults<UserState>(key: "user.state")
let value = defaults.value(defaultValue: .anonymous)

and even inline conversion:

let defaults = Defaults<Int>(key: "user.state.raw")
let value = def.value(defaultValue: .anonymous, { UserState(rawValue: $0) })

Default also support saving Encodable and loading Decodable by using:

try? defaults.saveEncodableValue(myEncodable)

let myDecodableObject = defaults.decodableValue()

Simple. Give it a go.


Swifaults is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'Swifaults'


Oren Farhan


Swifaults is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.