StorageRoomKit 0.0.3

StorageRoomKit 0.0.3

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Dec 2014

Maintained by Unclaimed.

  • By
  • Sascha Konietzke

StorageRoomKit is a static library (iOS) and framework (OS X) that provides helper methods and classes to make it easier to use RestKit ( + with the StorageRoom API (

This library has been tested with Xcode 4.2, older versions of Xcode are not supported.

Main Features

  • Works with NSObjects and NSManagedObjects
  • Supports the GET, POST, PUT and DELETE HTTP methods
  • Comes with classes and mappings for all StorageRoom Resources
  • Helper methods to generate StorageRoom paths
  • ... and many more handy features that RestKit offers

Installation into your Project

  1. Add RestKit to your project by following the detailed installation instructions:
  2. Add StorageRoomKit to your project

    1. Add a new git submodule: git submodule add git:// StorageRoomKit

      • Please note that RestKit and StorageRoomKit must be siblings in the directory structure of your project! You can add both submodules to the base directory or to a common subdirectory (e.g. Vendor/RestKit and Vendor/StorageRoomKit).
    2. Add a cross-project reference by dragging StorageRoomKit.xcodeproj to your own project

    3. Open build settings editor for your project and the following Header Search Paths for the paths you used above, otherwise archiving will fail:

      • "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/RestKit/Build"
      • "$(SOURCE_ROOT)/StorageRoomKit/Build"
    4. Open target settings editor for the target you want to link StorageRoomKit into and add direct dependencies:

      • StorageRoomKit (iOS)
      • StorageRoomKitFramework (Mac OS X)
    5. Link against the library:

      • libStorageRoomKit.a (iOS)
      • StorageRoomKitFramework.framework (Mac OS X)
    6. Import the StorageRoomKit headers

      • #import <StorageRoomKit/StorageRoomKit.h>
    7. Build the project to verify installation is successful.

Basic Usage

This is a walkthrough with all steps for a simple usage scenario of the library.

  1. Import the headers

    #import <RestKit/RestKit.h>
    #import <StorageRoomKit/StorageRoomKit.h>
  2. Add the SREntry protocol to your custom class

    @interface Announcement : NSObject <SREntry> {
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * text;
    @property (nonatomic, retain) NSString * mUrl;
  3. Implement the SREntry protocol methods

    + (RKObjectMapping *)objectMapping {
        RKObjectMapping *mapping = [RKObjectMapping mappingForClass:[self class]];
        [mapping mapSRAttributes:@"text", nil];
        [mapping mapSRMetaData:@"url", nil]; // will map to mUrl
        return mapping;
    + (NSString *)entryType {
        return @"Announcement";
  4. Create the ObjectManager

    [SRObjectManager objectManagerForAccountId:@"STORAGE_ROOM_ACCOUNT_ID" authenticationToken:@"AUTHENTICATION_TOKEN"];
  5. Work with API Resources

    [[RKObjectManager sharedManager] loadObjectsAtResourcePath:SRCollectionEntriesPath(@"COLLECTION_ID") delegate:self];    
  6. Do something with the returned object(s) in the delegate

    - (void)objectLoader:(RKObjectLoader *)anObjectLoader didLoadObject:(Announcement *)anAnnouncement {
        self.announcementLabel.text = anAnnouncement.text;

Meta Data

The JSON representations of Resources in the StorageRoom API contain meta data attributes that are prefixed with an "@" character. An example for this is the "@created_at" meta data attribute, which shows the time at which a Resource was created on the server.

RestKit relies heavily on Key-Value Coding (KVC), but "@" is an invalid character in KVC. The StorageRoom API therefore allows to change the prefix used for meta data. StorageRoomKit changes this prefix for you from "@" to "m_". In the internal classes used by StorageRoom meta data attributes are mapped to an instance variable with the "m" prefix (e.g. "m_created_at" will be mapped to "mCreatedAt"). You can follow this convention in your own Entry classes, but you are not required to.


The StorageRoom API Documentation ( contains further information about the web service.

An Example Project on how to use StorageRoomKit is available at

StorageRoom without StorageRoomKit

If you just need a small amount of content in your app and think this library is to heavy-weight you can also parse the JSON manually without StorageRoomKit. An example for this is on

Running Specs

StorageRoomKit comes with Kiwi Specs. Run the Specs with Product > Test.


Please refer to TODO file.

Bugs and Feedback

Please create an issue on GitHub if you discover any bugs.


MIT License. Copyright 2012 Thriventures UG (haftungsbeschränkt) -