StfalconSwiftExtensions 0.17

StfalconSwiftExtensions 0.17

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Apr 2017
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Victor Amelin.

  • By
  • Viktor Amelin


SwiftExtension is a bunch of useful extension, that we are using at Stfalcon.

  1. DeviceType: modelName returns the name of current device.
  2. Dispatch: has once function that can be used instead of old dispatch_once C function.
  3. MutableData: has useful extension appendString(_ string: String).
  4. OperatorOverloading: as the name says is a collection of overloads for numeric arrays, CGRect, CGPoint and CGSize.
  5. Realm: has extension to work with Realm (, and RealmHelper that provides access to get object from Realm and to deleteAll.
  6. UILabel: contains func setTextWithLineSpacing(text: String, lineHeight: CGFloat) which is convenient to set line spacing if it differs from line spacing in the label’s font; func boundingRectForCharacterRange(range: NSRange) allow to detect frame of substring in range, which is useful when you need to make some text clickable.
  7. UIScrollView: has calculateContentSize(offset: CGFloat, font: UIFont) method, that calculates height of UILabels inside UIScrollView.
  8. UIView: has gradientSublayer(colorA: UIColor =, colorB: UIColor = that you can use to create gradient button or any other UIView; addDashedLine(startPoint: CGPoint, endPoint: CGPoint, color: UIColor, lineWidth: CGFloat, step: Int) useful for creation dashed lines; snapshotImage() -> UIImage? returns UIImage snapshot of ui, and snapshotImageView() -> UIImageView? returns UIImageView with ui snapshot.
  9. UIViewController: has topViewController(_ base: UIViewController? = UIApplication.shared.keyWindow?.rootViewController) -> UIViewController? method, that returns top view controller.
  10. String extensions contains list of funcs, which allow to work with Swift strings, substrings, ranges of substrings similar to NSString.