SourceKit 1.2.10

SourceKit 1.2.10

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License Unknown
ReleasedLast Release Oct 2023

Maintained by Isambard Poulson, Huq Machine.

SourceKit 1.2.10

  • By
  • Huq Industries


Huq Industries | SourceKit for iOS

Huq Industries Real-world Analytics for mobile apps reveals where your users shop and work, travel and relax. Integrate SourceKit today for brand new insights into your audience's behaviour. Join our Partner Program for a new way to monetise your mobile app.

  • Learn when and how your users shop, work and relax
  • Build and manage insights using Huq's analytics tools
  • Use Huq to power campaigns and personalise content

To get started with SourceKit by Huq you'll first need to register and grab an API key from Huq Industries' Physical Analytics console, then follow the simple steps below.

Which version to use

SourceKit is available in two versions - SourceKit and SourceKitLight. Huq enables advertisers to perform attribution and in order to do this, SourceKit, the primary version of the SDK uses the IDFA. Using this property requires that you acknowledge it when submitting your application as shown in the 'Submission' section below. SourceKit enables the limit add tracking option. If you would prefer that we did not collect the IDFA, then you should use the SourceKitLight version. In this case, the only code that should be change is the Cocoapods include and the library import, using the library once imported is independent of version.

Install using Cocoapods

Add the following line to your Podspec and run pod install

pod 'SourceKit' or pod 'SourceKitLight'



SourceKit is an Objective-C framework, so if you don't already have a bridging header, you will need to create one. If you don't know how to do that, follow these steps:

  1. Add a new file to your project (File > New > File), select “Source” and then “Header File“. Name your file “ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h"

  2. Add the bridging header to your Swift compliler. Select the build settings tab for your project and then search for 'Swift Compiler'. Under the 'Swift Compiler - Code Generation' section, add the path to your bridging header to the 'Objective-C Bridging Header' field. Check the location of the header to ensure you get the path right. If it is in the root directory, the path will simply be 'ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h'. If it is in the project subdirectory, the path will be 'ProjectName/ProjectName-Bridging-Header.h'.

You should import the SourceKit library in the bridging header by adding the following line:


#import <SourceKit/HISourceKit.h> or #import <SourceKitLight/HISourceKit.h>

In your AppDelegate, add the following line to the func application(application: UIApplication, didFinishLaunchingWithOptions launchOptions: [NSObject: AnyObject]?) -> Bool method:

// replace <API_Key> with the API key that you have received from Huq


In your AppDelegate.m file, import the SourceKit library by adding the following line:

#import <SourceKit/SourceKit.h> or #import <SourceKitLight/SourceKitLight.h>

And then in your AppDelegate's -application:didFinishLaunching:withOptions: method, just add the following:

// replace <API_Key> with the API key that you have received from Huq
[[HISourceKit sharedKit] recordWithAPIKey:@“<API_Key>”];

And that's it! Check that you have location services enabled correctly, and see additional usage information below for advanced implementations.

Using location services

In order for the Huq SDK to operate efficiently, your app must make use of Backgrouund Location Services.

Please follow Apple's instructions on how to implement location services:


SourceKit from Huq makes use of APIs that are not available in the simulator. Test on your device while connected to WiFi.


// Create a String that describes a user action
let userDoingSomething : String = "User doing something"
// Create and log an array of tags, you can submit as many as you like


#import <SourceKit/SourceKit.h> or #import <SourceKitLight/SourceKitLight.h>

// Create a String that describes a user action
static NSString *userDoingSomething = @"User doing something";
// Create and log an array of tags, you can submit as many as you like
[[HISourceKit sharedKit] logCustomEventWithTags:@[userDoingSomething]];

Note: Custom Events are implemented on a one-time basis, and reset after each event request has been submitted to Huq Industries.

End-user opt-out

Huq takes privacy seriously and while the data that SourceKit collects is anonymised, Huq does offer the means for you to stop collecting data from a user in response, for example, to a user selecting an ‘opt-out’ feature that you may wish to implement.




#import <SourceKit/SourceKit.h> or #import <SourceKitLight/SourceKitLight.h>

[[HISourceKit sharedKit] stopRecording];

Calling stopRecording will stop SourceKit from submitting any data updates. If you wish to restart SourceKit at any time, simply call recordWithAPIKey: again as you did the first time.

App submission

When submitting your App to the App Store, if you used the SourceKit version of the SDK, you should select 'Yes' for 'Does this app use the Advertising Identifier (IDFA)?', and also select the 'Attribute this app installation to a previously served advertisement' option.

idfa declaration

Additional support

Huq Insights are refreshed at least once every 24 hours. If after logging in to your Insights Dashboard after 24 hours you cannot see any data, then please check the following:

  • that you have been testing on a device
  • that you have enabled location services
  • that you have been testing over WiFi

To stimulate generating insight events more frequently testing on the device, navigate in Xcode to Debug > Simulate location > [select different city] or Add GPX file to simulate movement.

If you have any other questions please reach out to [email protected].


This SourceKit SDK is Copyright 2014-2017 Huq Industries Limited. This SDK is licensed under the Huq Physical Insights Platform Terms of Service, found on the Huq Industries website here (the "License"). You may not use this SDK unless (1) you have registered for an account with Huq, (2) are in possession of a valid API Key from Huq, (3) have agreed the terms of the Licence and (4) are in compliance with the License. Any unauthorised use of this SDK constitutes copyright infringement and violation of law.