ShopGunSDK 4.2

ShopGunSDK 4.2

Maintained by Laurie Hufford, Patrick Jessen.


Build Status Version Carthage compatible License Swift


This is a framework for interacting with the ShopGun APIs from within your own apps. The SDK has been split into several components:

Component Description
PagedPublicationView A view for fetching, rendering, and interacting with, a catalog.
IncitoPublication A view controller for fetching, rendering, and interacting with, a digital catalog (an "Incito").
🤝 CoreAPI Simplifies auth & communication with the ShopGun REST API.
🔗 GraphAPI An interface for easily making requests to ShopGun's GraphQL API.
📡 EventsTracker An events tracker for efficiently sending analytics events.


💾 Installation

💡Getting Started

📚 API Documentation

Detailed Guides

Quick Start


  • iOS 9.3+
  • Xcode 9.0+
  • Swift 4.2+


The preferred way to install the ShopGunSDK framework into your own app is using CocoaPods. Add the following to your Podfile:

pod 'ShopGunSDK'

For more detailed instructions, see the Installation guide.


The repo uses a swift playground to demonstrate example uses of the components.

  • Download/checkout this repo.
  • Make sure you recursively checkout all the submodules in the External folder.
  • Open the ShopGunSDK.xcodeproj, and build the ShopGunSDK scheme (using a simulator destination)
  • Open the ShopGunSDK.playground that is referenced inside the project. From here, you will be able experiment with the SDK.

Note: In order to use the components properly they must be configured with the correct API keys. Set the values in the playground's Resources/ShopGunSDK-Config.plist file with your own API keys (accessible from the ShopGun Developer page)

Also Note: Xcode Playgrounds can be a bit flaky when it comes to importing external frameworks. If it complains, try cleaning the build folder and rebuilding the SDK (targetting a simulator), and if it continues, restart Xcode. Also sometimes commenting out contents of the playgroundLogHandler.swift file, and then uncommenting again, helps.

For a more detailed guide, see the Getting Started guide.


For a history of changes to the SDK, see the CHANGES file.


The ShopGunSDK is released under the MIT license. See LICENSE for details.