ScreenMeetSDK 3.0.9

ScreenMeetSDK 3.0.9

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2023
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by ScreenMeet Administrator, Ivan, Evance Mok.

Depends on:
Socket.IO-Client-Swift~> 15.2.0
UniversalWebRTC~> 106.0.7

  • By
  • ScreenMeet


Version License Platform



Join ScreenMeetLive session

ScreenMeet.config.organizationKey = yourMobileAPIKey //provided by ScreenMeet
let code = "OdeWGubyvsUh"             // session code
ScreenMeet.connect(code) { [weak self] error in  
    if let error = error { 
        // session start error
    } else {
        // session started

Retrieve Connection state

let connectionState = ScreenMeet.getConnectionState() 

switch connectionState {
case .connecting:
    print("waiting for connecting to call ...")
case .connected:
    print("joined the call")
case .reconnecting:
    print("trying to restore connection to call ...")
case .disconnected(.callNotStarted):
    print("Call disconnected. Call is not started")
case .disconnected(.callEnded):
    print("Call disconnected. Call is finished")
case .disconnected(.leftCall):
    print("Call disconnected. Client left call")
case .disconnected(.networkError):
    print("Call disconnected. Network error")

Share Camera

ScreenMeet.shareCamera() // by default start front camera sharing

To specify camera and/or camera configuration use AVCaptureDevice

let device = AVCaptureDevice.DiscoverySession.init(deviceTypes: [.builtInWideAngleCamera],
                                                    mediaType: .video,
                                                    position: .back).devices.first!

Share Screen


Share stream of images (Can be used for screen sharing by continuously providing raw images, screen shots for example) SMImageHandler contains a single interface transferImage(_ image: UIImage) that you can use to send images

ScreenMeet.shareScreenWithImageTransfer(_ completion: @escaping ((SMImageHandler?) -> Void))

Stop Video sharing

ScreenMeet.stopVideoSharing() // Stop Camera or Screen sharing

Share Microphone


Stop Audio sharing

ScreenMeet.stopAudioSharing() // Stop audio sharing

Retrieve Audio and Video states

let state = ScreenMeet.getMediaState()

let isAudioActive = state.isAudioActive // true: unmuted, false: muted 
let isVideoActive = state.isVideoActive // true: unmuted, false: muted 

let videoState = state.videoState // VideoState enum [CAMERA, SCREEN, NONE]
let audioState = state.audioState // AudioState enum [MICROPHONE, NONE]

Leave Session


Call participants

let partisipantsList =  ScreenMeet.getParticipants() // Returns list of call participants [SMParticipant]


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first. More advanced sample with SwiftUI see in FullExample application.


Minimum iOS version
ScreenMeetSDK iOS 12.0
Example iOS 13.0


ScreenMeetSDK is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'ScreenMeetSDK'

When building with xCode14.3 a post install hook setting minimum deployment target should be added in the Podfile:

post_install do |installer|
  installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
      config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '12.0'

ScreenMeetLive Events handling

Configure events handler

Set your event handler

ScreenMeet.delegate = yourSMDelegate

where yourSMDelegate is your implementation of ScreenMeetDelegate protocol

Local track events

/// on Audio stream created
func onLocalAudioCreated()

/// on Local Video stream created
/// - Parameter videoTrack: Can be used to preview local video. See `RTCVideoTrack`
func onLocalVideoCreated(_ videoTrack: RTCVideoTrack)

/// on Local Video stream stoped
func onLocalVideoStopped()

/// on Local Audio stream stoped
func onLocalAudioStopped()

Participants events

/// On participant joins call.
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
func onParticipantJoined(_ participant: SMParticipant)

/// On receiving video stream from participant.
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
/// - Parameter remoteVideoTrack: Can be used to preview participant video stream. See `RTCVideoTrack`
func onParticipantVideoTrackCreated(_ participant: SMParticipant, _ remoteVideoTrack: RTCVideoTrack)

/// On receiving video stream from participant.
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
/// - Parameter remoteAudioTrack: Remote participant audio stream. See `RTCAudioTrack`
func onParticipantAudioTrackCreated(_ participant: SMParticipant, _ remoteAudioTrack: RTCAudioTrack)

/// On participant left call.
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
func onParticipantLeft(_ participant: SMParticipant)

/// When participant state was changed. For example participant muted, paused, resumed video, etc
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
func onParticipantMediaStateChanged(_ participant: SMParticipant)

/// When active speaker changed. 
/// - Parameter participant: Participant details. See `SMParticipant`
func onActiveSpeakerChanged(_ participant: SMParticipant, _ remoteVideoTrack: RTCVideoTrack)

Feature requests (remote control, laser pointer)

/// Occurs when approval for a feature(remote control or laser pointer) is requested from you
/// - Parameters:
///  - feature: Feature being requested. Containes details about type of the feature and participant who requested it
///  - decisionHandler: The callback called after request is accepted or denied
///  - granted: The retrieved decision for request.
func onFeatureRequest(_ feature: SMFeature, _ decisionHandler: @escaping (_ granted: Bool) -> Void)
/// Occurs when previous request is rejected
/// - Parameters:
/// - feature: Feature request that has been rejested. Containes details about type of the feature and participant who requested it
func onFeatureRequestRejected(feature: SMFeature)
/// Occurs when a feature has stopped
/// - Parameters:
///  - feture: Feature that has been stopped
func onFeatureStopped(feature: SMFeature)
/// Occurs when certain feature (you approved) starts its activity (remote control, laser pointer)
/// - Parameters:
///  - feature: Feature that has stated
func onFeatureStarted(feature: SMFeature)

Remote Control

/// Occures during remote control session when an agent triggers and event. Can be a mouse or a keybaord event
/// - Parameters:
///  - event: Remote control event. See `SMRemoteControlEvent`
func onRemoteControlEvent(_ event: SMRemoteControlEvent)
/// Root view controller to be remote controlled (Allowing viewer to perform touches on your view controller(s)). It should be the root(bottom most superview) view of the entire window
var rootViewController: UIViewController? { get }

Important error events

/// When error occurred
/// - Parameter error `SMError`
func onError(_ error: SMError)

Connection state changing

/// On connection state change
/// - Parameter new session state: `SMState`
func onConnectionStateChanged(_ newState: SMConnectionState)


ScreenMeet Live requires initial config to join session

//Create config object
let config = SMSessionConfig()

Organization Key

To start work with SDK organizationKey (mobileKey) is required

//Set organization mobile Key
ScreenMeet.shared.config.organizationKey = yourMobileAPIKey //provided by ScreenMeet

Logging level

Represent the severity and importance of log messages ouput

config.loggingLevel = .debug

Possible values:

public enum LogLevel {
    /// Information that may be helpful, but is not essential, for troubleshooting errors
    case info
    /// Verbose information that may be useful during development or while troubleshooting a specific problem
    case debug
    /// Designates error events that might still allow the application to continue running
    case error

Custom Endpoint URL

Set custom endpoint URL

config.endpoint = yourEndpointURL


ScreenMeetLiveSDK is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.