RxPersistenceSettings 0.0.2

RxPersistenceSettings 0.0.2

Maintained by Tomas Friml.

  • By
  • Tomas Friml


CI Status Version License Platform Swift

The goal of this library is to provide generic protocol for basic operations with any persisted setting regardless of persistence store used. You can also add some metadata to the setting (like name and description).

Currently implemented for UserDefaults only but can be simply extended.



This is the base protocol which can be adopted without knowing the underlaying value type. Useful for generic UI to show the current formatted value, metadata and ability to trigger increase/decrease of the underlaying value. Changes in (formatted) value can also be observed.

/// Title of the setting.
var titleString: String { get }

/// Detailed info for the setting.
var infoString: String { get }

/// Formatted value to be shown in the UI.
var formattedValueString: String { get }

/// Determines if setting is of numerical value (rather than set of distinct values).
var isNumeric: Bool { get }

/// Determine if value is minimal allowed value.
var isAtMin: Bool { get }

/// Determine if value is maximal allowed value.
var isAtMax: Bool { get }

/// Increase the value.
func increase()

/// Increase the value.
func decrease()

/// Observable of formatted value change.
var formattedValueChanged: Observable<String> { get }


Inherits from PersistenceSettingBase. Value (and also default value) is directly accessible and changes observable.

associatedtype T

/// Default value in case ther is no current value.
var defaultValue: T { get }

/// Current value for the setting.
var value: T { get set }

/// Observable of value changed.
var valueChanged: Observable<T> { get }

/// Format value and return as String
/// - Parameter value: Value to be formatted
/// - Returns: Formatted value as String
func format(value: T) -> String


Specialized PersistenceSetting with base type Bool. Adds isSet property and also toggle function for easier flag manipulation.

/// Get/set current flag value
var isSet: Bool { get set }

/// Toggle the current flag
func toggle()

UserDefaults implementation

The above protocols were implemented for UserDefaults.


Adds key property for the corresponding UserDefaults key.

/// Key in user defaults for this persisted value.
var key: String { get }


Class implements UserDefaultsSettingBase and add 2 initializers - one with metadata and one without.

/// Simplified initializer without setting metadata.
/// - Parameters:
///   - key: UserDefaults key
///   - defaultValue: Default value if no value is present
public init(key: String, defaultValue: T)

/// Full initializer with metadata.
/// - Parameters:
///   - titleString: Title string for the setting
///   - infoString: Info string for the setting
///   - key: UserDefaults key
///   - defaultValue: Default value if no value is present
public init(titleString: String, infoString: String, key: String, defaultValue: T)


Convenience class for numeric settings. Uses step property to figure out increase/decrease of value.

/// Increase/decrease step for the setting's value.
public var step: Type

/// Simplified initializer without setting metadata.
/// - Parameters:
///   - key: UserDefaults key
///   - defaultValue: Default value if no value is present
///   - min: Minimal allowed value
///   - max: Maximal allowed value
///   - step: Increase/decrease step for the setting's value
public init(key: String, defaultValue: Type, min: Type, max: Type, step: Type)

/// Full initializer with metadata.
/// - Parameters:
///   - titleString: Title string for the setting
///   - infoString: Info string for the setting
///   - key: UserDefaults key
///   - defaultValue: Default value if no value is present
///   - min: Minimal allowed value
///   - max: Maximal allowed value
///   - step: Increase/decrease step for the setting's value
public init(titleString: String, infoString: String, key: String, defaultValue: Type, min: Type, max: Type, step: Type)


You can either use defined UserDefaults ones or create your own.

Simple UserDefaults setting

let simpleSetting = UserDefaultsSetting<Int>(key: "simpleIntSettingKey", defaultValue: 10)
// Access value directly, increase/decrease not implemented for simple setting.
simpleSetting.value = 12

Numeric UserDefaults setting

let numericSetting = NumericUserDefaultsSetting<Int>(
    titleString: "Number of cats",
    infoString: "This setting holds number of cats",
    key: "complexIntSettingKey",
    defaultValue: 1,
    min: 0,
    max: 13,
    step: 1))

// value = 2

// value = 3

numericSetting.value = 13
// value = 13


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 8+. RxSwift/Cocoa.


RxPersistenceSettings is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod 'RxPersistenceSettings'


Tomas Friml, [email protected]


RxPersistenceSettings is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.