RxCalendar 1.0.2

RxCalendar 1.0.2

Maintained by Hai Pham.

Depends on:
RxSwift~> 4.0
SwiftFP/Main>= 0

  • By
  • Hai Pham


License: MIT CocoaPods Build Status Coverage Status

(This is a clone of another repository that I did but no longer have access to, so the commit count does not reflect actual effort).

Almost fully-configurable calendar view for iOS applications that runs entirely on Rx.

screen shot 2018-04-24 at 3 44 19 pm

Note that the top and bottom calendars are two different types of views that are driven by the same streams, so any selection or change in month from one view will also show up on the other.

Reactive programming allows us to produce truly decoupled components that are open to extensions but closed for modications. For example, date selections in a month view are driven by a selected date stream (Observable[Set[Date]]), so if we want to add a weekday bar view with logic such that clicking on a weekday (e.g. Monday) selects the entire date range (corresponding to said weekday), all we need to do is just push a custom set of selected dates into the stream and we will see those dates being selected automatically.

If ever so required, we can write bridges that connect imperative and reactive to cater to legacy code, but it's best to minimize such bridges if we want to build scalable applications.

The relevant components included in this repository are:

  • MonthView: A simple calendar view that does date calculations lazily depending on the currently selected month. It's very lightweight, but lacks the flipping animations present in MonthSectionView. It's capable of: MonthGrid, MonthControl, SingleDaySelection.

  • MonthSectionView: Traditional swipe calendar view that caches months as specified. Since this view needs to store months and cell attributes, it is a bit slower than MonthView. It's capable of: MonthGrid, MonthControl, SingleDaySelection.

  • MonthHeaderView: Header view that displays the currently selected month and possesses buttons that allow month navigations. It's capable of: MonthControl.

  • WeekdayView: Simple list-based view that displays weekdays. It's capable of: WeedayDisplay.

  • SelectableWeekdayView: WeekdayView decorator that allows the user to select all dates with a particular weekday. It's capable of: WeekdayDisplay, MultiDaySelection.

Each of these views requires its own ViewModel and Model, so we must be sure to inject those after creating them.


  • Any protocol that ends with Function means it contains functionalities which are shared between/among two or more classes/protocols. For example, RxxxFunction contains shared functionalities between a model and view model for a specific view; RxxxModelFunction is the same for a model and its dependency.

  • Any protocol whose name contains Default or NoDefault has properties that are defaultable or non-defaultable.

  • Usually protocols will have the postfix Type, (e.g. ViewModelType, ModelType), but not always. A ViewModel will have a protocol ViewModelType and an implementation.

  • Actual model and view model implementations are nested in classes defined in Entry.swift (e.g. RxCalendarLogic.MonthSection.ViewModel).


  • The target RxCalendarPreset contains preset views with commonly used templates.

  • More presets will be added if the need arises.


  • RxCalendarLogic contains basic logic, Model and ViewModel for views in RxCalendar target. All classes under this namespace can be found in RxCalendarLogic, and the entry file for this namespace is LogicEntry.swift.

  • RxCalendarRedux contains Redux components. All classes under this namespace can be found in RxCalendarRedux, and the entry file for this namespace is ReduxEntry.swift.

  • RxCalendarLegacy contains legacy components. All classes under this namespace can be found in RxCalendarLegacy, and the entry file for this namespace is LegacyEntry.swift.

Legacy bridge

  • If you find the amount of dependencies to implement too daunting, and have reservations towards reactive programming, check out legacy bridges in RxCalendarLegacy.


This library uses Cocoapods with multiple subspecs, which can be installed like so:

pod 'RxCalendar', subspecs: [

Check out RxCalendar.podspec for a list of available subspecs.