RoundedRobot 0.2.8

RoundedRobot 0.2.8

LangLanguage Obj-CObjective C
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release May 2015

Maintained by Heather Snepenger, Brian Weinreich.

Rounded Robot


To run the example project, clone the repo, and run pod install from the Example directory first.


iOS 7 or greater


RObot is available through CocoaPods. To install it, simply add the following line to your Podfile:

pod "RoundedRobot"

How to use

RObot a stand alone libraby that handles CRUD methods for NSManagedObjects. Calling create, read, update, delete, or index, will make the API and update the database appropriately.

To begin, call this line:

[ROBotManager initializeWithBaseURL:@"https://your_base_url"];

If you plan on using the index methods or caching, you'll also need to set your persistent store coordinator:

[ROBotManager sharedInstance].persistentStoreCoordinator = [self persistentStoreCoordinator];

Next, #import "ROBot.h" into the classes you plan on using ROBot in.

You'll need to override the CRUD urls in your NSManagedObject (or corresponding catorgory). Ex:

+ (NSString *)indexURL
    return @"/users";

- (NSString *)createURL
    return @"/users";

- (NSString *)readURL
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/users/%@", self.user_id];

- (NSString *)updateURL
    return [NSString stringWithFormat:@"/users/%@", self.user_id];

Note that the url path are instance methods, and will populate the variables in the url string when the url methods is called.

You can then call CRUD methods on the instances of the model, and the changes will be made to your database and API.

Get all Users:

[User index:^{} failure:^(ROBotError *error) {}];

Create Example:

WRUser *user = [NSEntityDescription insertNewObjectForEntityForName:@"WRUser" inManagedObjectContext:[NSManagedObjectContext MR_defaultContext]];
user.fname = @"Heather";
user.lname = @"Sneps";
[user create:^{} failure:^(ROBotError *error) {}]


You can specify a custom mapping from the API response to the database object. If you don't specify a mapping, RObot will map the results from the API directly to the corresponding fields in your database.

To specify a mapping, do the following:

[User setMapping:@[@"last_name": @"lname", @"first_name": @"fname"]];

Note that a partial mapping can be used. In the case above, the email will still map to email.


By default, logging is disabled. To enable logging for all your ROBotManagedObjects, use

ROBotManagedObject.verboseLogging = true

to enable logging for a single ROBotManagedObject class, use

User.verboseLogging = true

Coming soon

We're working on the following:

  1. an index route that will return an array of the objects
  2. caching of objects when user doesn't have connection
  3. Success/fail callbacks for create()/read()/update()/delete() methods
  4. Deleting orphaned objects

Feel free to submit a pull request and add your own contributions!


Heather Snepenger, [email protected]


RObot is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.