Rosetta 1.1.0

Rosetta 1.1.0

LangLanguage SwiftSwift
License MIT
ReleasedLast Release Nov 2016
SwiftSwift Version 3.0
SPMSupports SPM

Maintained by Bartek Chlebek.

Rosetta 1.1.0


The Rosetta Stone is a granodiorite stele inscribed with a decree issued at Memphis in 196 BC. It provided the key to the modern understanding of Egyptian hieroglyphs. wiki
Just like the Rosetta Stone made translation of Egyptian hieroglyphs possible, this library is intended to make parsing JSON to Swift objects and back easy and safe.


Rosetta is still in development itself and requires Swift 1.2 shipped with Xcode 6.3 beta.


Clone this repo. Add the Rosetta project file to your workspace. Then in your target’s Build Phases in Target Dependencies add Rosetta-iOS or Rosetta-OSX framework. Then just add import Rosetta in you code and you should be good to go.


  • Parsing JSON to Swift types (Both classes and structures are supported)
  • Parsing back to JSON (if you can parse JSON to a Swift type, you can always get a JSON back)
  • Type validation
  • Type conversion (e.g. Strings in JSON can be bridged to NSURL)
  • Value validation
  • Required and optional fields support
  • Concise syntax with advanced features opt-in
  • Debug logs

Usage (in a nutshell)

This is just a brief overview of how Rosetta works, but it should give you the idea. Please refer to guide for thorough documentation.

JSON Decoding/Encoding

The easiest way to use Rosetta is to have your type implement JSONConvertible protocol

struct User: JSONConvertible {
  var ID: String?
  var name: String?
  var age: Int?
  var website: NSURL?
  var friends: [User]?
  var family: [String : User]?

  init() {


  static func map(inout object: User, json: Rosetta) {
    object.ID       <- json["uniqueID"] // Map required properties with <-     <~ json["name"] // Map optional properties with <~
    object.age      <~ json["age"] § {$0 > 0} // Add validation closure after § operator (age > 0)
    // Types not conforming to Bridgeable protocol (like NSURL here) need to have bridging code after ~ operator  <~ json["website_url"] ~ BridgeString(
      decoder: {NSURL(string: $0 as String)}, // convert NSString from json to NSURL
      encoder: {$0.absoluteString} // convert NSURL from Person to NSString for JSON
    object.friends  <~ json["friends"] // Automaticaly mapped arrays   <~ json["family"] // Automaticaly mapped dictionaries

and then you can convert JSON to Person with

let user = Rosetta().decode(jsonDataOrString) as User?

and Person to JSON with

let jsonData = Rosetta().encode(user) as NSData?
let jsonString = Rosetta().encode(user) as String?

For details on how decoding and encoding work, please refer to guide

Required fields

If you want a certain field to be treated as required, map it with a <- operator: <- json["name"]

Decoding / encoding will fail if such value is missing, or does not pass conversion or validation.

Optional fields

If you want to treat a certain field as optional, map it with a <~ operator: <~ json["name"]

If this field is missing, or does not pass conversion or validation, decoding / encoding will not fail entirely, but will skip this field and move on.

Type conversion

You can convert e.g. a String from JSON to NSURL using the ~ operator and a bridge

object.url <~ json["URL"] ~ BridgeString(
  decoder: {NSURL(string: $0 as String)},
  encoder: {$0.absoluteString}

The decoder closure, takes an NSString from a JSON and converts it into an NSURL.
The encoder closure, works the other way around, returning a String representation of an NSURL.

To make it more concise you can return the bridge from a function:

func NSURLBridge() -> Bridge<NSURL, NSString> {
  return BridgeString(
    decoder: {NSURL(string: $0 as String)},
    encoder: {$0.absoluteString}

and then map:

object.url <~ json["URL"] ~ NSURLBridge()

NSURLBridge() is in fact already built-in to Rosetta, but you’ll likely make other bridges of your own.

Bridging is a pretty big but essential part of Rosetta. It’s explained in-depth in guide

Value validation

You can validate the value using a § operator (⌥6) followed by a
(<SwiftPropertyType>) -> (BOOL) closure:

object.age <~ json["age"] § {$0 > 0}

So in this example, age (that’s passed to the validation closure under $0) has to be greater than 0.

More about validation in guide

Debug logs

Rosetta can print debug logs:

ViewController.swift:904 handleResult()
JSON String: {"age":0,"website":"ftp://nonono.bad"}
Error: Value Missing for key-path: name
Error: Validation Failed for key-path: age
Warning: Validation Failed for key-path: website

Logs are disabled by default. You can enable them by setting .logLevel property:

let rosetta = Rosetta()
rosetta.logLevel = .Errors


rosetta.logLevel = .Verbose

You can also change the log output (if println() does not suit you) and customize the log format. All that is described in-depth in guide


struct CustomConvertibleType: JSONConvertible {
  var someValue: Double?

  init() {


  static func map(inout object: CustomConvertibleType, json: Rosetta) {
    object.someValue <- json["value"]
enum CustomBridgeableType: Int, Bridgeable {
  case One = 1, Two, Three, Four

  static func bridge() -> Bridge<CustomBridgeableType, NSNumber> {
    return BridgeNumber(
      decoder: {CustomBridgeableType(rawValue: $0.integerValue)},
      encoder: {$0.rawValue}
struct YourCustomType: JSONConvertible {
  var value1: Int?
  var value2: CustomBridgeableType?
  var value3: CustomConvertibleType?
  var value4: NSURL?

  var requiredValue1: String = ""
  var requiredValue2: String!
  var requiredValue3: String?

  var validatedValue1: String?
  var validatedValue2: CustomBridgeableType?
  var validatedValue3: CustomConvertibleType?
  var validatedValue4: NSURL?

  var array1: [Int]?
  var array2: [CustomBridgeableType]?
  var array3: [CustomConvertibleType]?
  var array4: [NSURL]?

  var dictionary1: [String : Int]?
  var dictionary2: [String : CustomBridgeableType]?
  var dictionary3: [String : CustomConvertibleType]?
  var dictionary4: [String : NSURL]?

  init() {


  static func map(inout object: YourCustomType, json: Rosetta) {
    object.value1 <~ json["value1"]
    object.value2 <~ json["value2"]
    object.value2 <~ json["value3"]
    object.value4 <~ json["value4"] ~ BridgeString(
      decoder: {NSURL(string: $0 as String)},
      encoder: {$0.absoluteString}

    // Bridging placed in a constant just to reuse
    let urlBridge = BridgeString(
      decoder: {NSURL(string: $0 as String)},
      encoder: {$0.absoluteString}

    object.requiredValue1 <- json["required1"]
    object.requiredValue2 <- json["required2"]
    object.requiredValue3 <- json["required3"]

    object.validatedValue1 <~ json["validated1"] § {$0.hasPrefix("requiredPrefix")}
    object.validatedValue2 <~ json["validated2"] § {$0 == .One || $0 == .Three}
    object.validatedValue3 <~ json["validated3"] § {$0.someValue > 10.0}
    object.validatedValue4 <~ json["validated4"] ~ urlBridge § {$0.scheme == "https"}

    object.array1 <~ json["array1"]
    object.array2 <~ json["array2"]
    object.array3 <~ json["array3"]
    object.array4 <~ json["array4"] ~ BridgeArray(urlBridge)

    object.dictionary1 <~ json["dictionary1"]
    object.dictionary2 <~ json["dictionary2"]
    object.dictionary3 <~ json["dictionary3"]
    object.dictionary4 <~ json["dictionary4"] ~ BridgeObject(urlBridge)


Rosetta is available under the MIT license. See the LICENSE file for more info.